Josh Nathan-Kazis : le liste segrete di Canary Mission al confine israeliano. Tecniche contro il BDS e l'attivismo ebraico e palestinese
Israeli border control officers are using the anonymous anti-BDS blacklist…
Canary Mission’s Threat Grows, From U.S. Campuses To The Israeli BorderRead more:
 Sintesi personale

Lo scorso dicembre, Andrew Kadi è volato in Israele per visitare sua madre. Mentre attraversava l'aeroporto internazionale Ben Gurion, i funzionari gli hanno detto  che i servizi di sicurezza volevano parlare con lui.

Kadi è tra i leader di un importante gruppo di difesa pro-palestinese e le autorità di confine lo interrogano sempre quando si reca in Israele per vedere la sua famiglia. Questa volta, tuttavia, qualcosa era diverso.

Durante il secondo dei tre interrogatori dalla durata  di otto ore, Kadi si è reso conto che gran parte di ciò che l'interrogante sapeva di lui proveniva da Canary Mission, una lista nera  anonima che cerca di spaventare studenti e attivisti pro-palestinesi  postando dossier sulle loro politiche e vite personali.

L'interrogatore di Kadi ha posto domande e domande sulle organizzazioni elencate nel suo profilo da Canary Mission
Canary Mission ha dichiarato di essere sorta  nel 2015 per cercare di impedire agli attivisti studenteschi pro-palestinesi di ottenere un lavoro dopo l'università. Negli ultimi mesi,la minaccia che pone agli studenti universitari e ad altri attivisti è diventata molto più grave.

Il sito è ora utilizzato come fonte di intelligence  da funzionari israeliani ,con un immenso potere sulla vita delle persone , per impedire agli attivisti ebrei e palestinesi di visitare parenti in Israele e in Cisgiordania,
I profili  diCanary Mission. , ci sono ora più di 2.000 profili , comprendono ; informazioni sull'attivista,  fotografie e schermate tratte  da Internet e dai social media, insieme alle descrizioni dei gruppi ai quali  sono affiliati.

La frase "se sei un razzista, il mondo dovrebbe sapere", appare in cima a ogni pagina del sito.

Oltre alle migliaia di profili di studenti e professori pro-palestinesi, la Canary Mission ha anche aggiunto un'infarinatura di profili di importanti supremacisti bianchi, tra cui 13 membri di Identity Evropa e una manciata di altri.

I profili del sito sembrano essere interamente basati su informazioni che potrebbero essere raccolte da chiunque disponga di un computer,ma  i ricercatori sono accurati e alcuni profili sono eccezionalmente personali.
Sono questi i profili che gli ufficiali israeliani di controllo delle frontiere stavano osservando quando hanno interrogato Kadi, che ha trent'anni, e fa parte del comitato direttivo della campagna statunitense per i diritti dei palestinesi. Kadi è un cittadino statunitense, ma sua madre e la sua famiglia sono cittadini palestinesi di Israele.

Il caso di Kadi non è unico. Ad aprile, prima di deportare la professoressa della Columbia University Law School Katherine Franke e dirle che sarebbe stata  permanentemente bandita dal paese, un ufficiale israeliano di controllo delle frontiere le ha mostrato qualcosa sul suo telefono che lei ha identificato,quasi sicuramente,   come il  suo profilo postato da Canary Mission ."Le informazionidellaCanary Mission spesso non sono né affidabili, né complete, né aggiornate", ha affermato l'avvocato israeliano Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man, che rappresenta gli attivisti e i difensori dei diritti umani ai quali è stato negato l'ingresso in Israele   e ,quindi, non soddisfa gli standard di affidabilità stabiliti dalla legge israeliana. Eppure incidenti come quelli vissuti da Franke e Kadi sono in aumento e  stanno diffondendo la paura tra gli attivisti del campus: . "Questo mette davvero la museruola su ciò che le persone possono dire nella sfera pubblica sulla Palestina", ha detto Jackson.

Il Ministero degli Interni israeliano, che sovrintende all'agenzia di controllo alle frontiere del paese, non ha risposto alla domanda  se viene utilizzato materiale della  Canary Mission . come fonte di informazione . Quando Schaeffer Omer-Man esamina i file di interrogatorio dei suoi clienti, come gli avvocati hanno il diritto di fare secondo la legge israeliana, non ha mai visto menzionata L'ORGANIZZAZIONE AMERICANA . Ciò che ha visto, tuttavia, nei sommari degli interrogatori, si riferisce  al materiale fornito dal Ministero degli affari strategici israeliano, il braccio del governo israeliano incaricato di opporsi al boicottaggio, al disinvestimento e al movimento di sanzioni in tutto il mondo, in gran parte attraverso una rete segreta di non - organizzazioni governative che aiutano a difendere Israele all'estero
Quando Gilad Erdan, il ministro degli affari strategici, ha assunto la sua agenzia nel 2015, il Ministero degli affari strategici e della diplomazia pubblica  aveva un personale ridotto e un budget limitato. In pochi anni, lo ha trasformato in una grande struttura  con un budget di oltre $ 100 milioni  secondo quanto riportato dalla rivista investigativa israeliana Seventh Eye.

Al centro dell'operazione di MSA c'è una rete di oltre cento organizzazioni non governative con le quali condivide informazioni e risorse. "Una parte fondamentale della strategia è la convinzione che la messaggistica di" persone reali "sia molto più efficace della semplice vecchia hasbara [propaganda] da parte dei portavoce ufficiali", ha affermato Itamar Benzaquen, un giornalista investigativo di Seventh Eye  che ha fatto ampi rapporti su il MSA

Canary Mission  ha gelosamente custodito l'anonimato dei suoi operatori, finanziatori e amministratori e il suo manto di segretezza ha resistito  agli sforzi dei giornalisti e degli attivisti pro Palestina.

Dato che Canary Mission è diventata una caratteristica sempre più importante del panorama del campus, gli studenti si sono adattati alla sua minaccia. Sempre più spesso i governi studenteschi votano le risoluzioni di disinvestimento con votazioni segrete    e mascherano strategicamente le identità degli attivisti .

Non sembrano esserci state cause di diffamazione  contro la Canary Mission. Gli autori dei profili sono attenti a ciò che scrivono e il perseguimento di una causa comporterebbe un pesante onere per chi lo fa .
Questa è la seconda puntata di una serie in corso.

his is the second story in a series on covert tactics targeting Israel’s critics.

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Lista nera degli attivisti pro palestinesi ottiene l'approvazione del gruppo pro-israeliano di Mainstream di Josh Nathan-Kazis

Last December, Andrew Kadi flew to Israel to visit his mother. As he walked through Ben Gurion International Airport, officials pulled him aside and said that the security services wanted to speak with him.

Kadi is among the leaders of a major pro-Palestinian advocacy group, and border authorities always question him when he travels to Israel to see his family. This time, however, something was different.

During his second of what ended up being three interrogations, spanning more than eight hours, Kadi realized that much of what the interrogator knew about him had come from Canary Mission, an anonymously-run online blacklist that tries to frighten pro-Palestinian students and activists into silence by posting dossiers on their politics and personal lives.

Kadi’s interrogator asked question after question about organizations listed on his Canary Mission profile. A pro-Palestinian organization that Kadi had been involved with but that wasn’t listed on his Canary Mission profile went unmentioned. Hours later, a third interrogator confirmed what Kadi had suspected: They were looking at his Canary Mission profile.

Canary Mission has said since it went live in 2015 that it seeks to keep pro-Palestinian student activists from getting work after college. Yet in recent months, the threat it poses to college students and other activists has grown far more severe.

The site, which is applauded by some pro-Israel advocates for harassing hardcore activists, is now being used as an intelligence source on thousands of students and academics by Israeli officials with immense power over people’s lives, the Forward has learned.

A New Wave Of Hardline Anti-BDS Tactics Are Targeting Students, And No One Knows Who’s Behind It

Josh Nathan-KazisAugust 2, 2018

Rumors of the border control officers’ use of the dossiers is keeping both Jewish and Palestinian activists from visiting relatives in Israel and the West Bank, and pro-Palestinian students say they are hesitant to express their views for fear of being unable to travel to see family.

Meanwhile, back on campus, pro-Israel students are facing suspicion of colluding with Canary Mission. The students, and not the operatives and donors who run it from behind a veil of anonymity, are taking the blame for the site’s work.

The Dossiers

Canary Mission’s profiles, of which there are now more than 2,000, can run for thousands of words. They consist of information about the activist, including photographs and screenshots, cobbled together from the internet and social media, along with descriptions of the groups with which they are affiliated.

The phrase, “if you’re a racist, the world should know,” appears on the top of each page on the site.

In addition to the thousands of profiles of pro-Palestinian students and professors, Canary Mission has also added a smattering of profiles of prominent white supremacists, including 13 members of Identity Evropa and a handful of others.

The site’s profiles appear to be based entirely on open source intelligence that could be gathered by anyone with a computer. But the researchers are thorough, and some of what they post is exceptionally personal. Canary Mission’s profile of Esther Tszayg, a junior at Stanford University whose profile went online in May, includes two photographs of her as a young child and one taken for a campus fashion magazine.

“It feels pretty awful and I really wish I wasn’t on that website,” said Tszayg, the president of Stanford’s chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, a pro-Palestinian group.

Canary Mission’s profile of Rose Asaf, a leader of the local chapter of JVP at New York University, includes nearly 60 photographs of her and screenshots of her social media activities. It went online in November of 2017, when she was a college junior.

Liz Jackson, a staff attorney at the legal advocacy group Palestine Legal, said that she was aware of one case in which Canary Mission posted old photographs a student had deleted a year before. The student believes that Canary Mission had been tracking her for over a year before they posted her profile.

ADL Backtracks On ‘Islamophobic And Racist’ Canary Mission

Ron KampeasApril 27, 2018

Some of what Canary Mission captures is genuinely troubling, including anti-Semitic social media posts by college students. But often, the eye-catching charges they make against their subjects don’t quite add up. A profile of an NYU freshman named Ari Kaplan charges him with “demonizing Israel at a Jewish event.” In fact, he had stood up at a Hillel dinner to make an announcement that was critical of President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

“It’s really weird when they’re trying to have someone who looks like me [as] the face of anti-Semitism,” said Kaplan, joking that he looks stereotypically Jewish.

The Border

It’s these profiles that Israeli border control officers were looking at when they interrogated Kadi, who is in his 30s, and is a member of the steering committee of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. Kadi is a U.S. citizen, but his mother and her family are Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Kadi’s case is not unique. In April, before deporting Columbia University Law School professor Katherine Franke and telling her she will be permanently banned from the country, an Israeli border control officer showed her something on his phone that she says she is “80% sure” was her Canary Mission profile.

The officer, Franke said, had accused her of traveling to Israel to “promote BDS.” When she said that wasn’t true, the officer accused her of lying, saying she was a “leader” of JVP. He held up the screen of his phone, which appeared to show her Canary Mission profile, and told her: “See, I know you’re lying.”

Franke, who had previously sat on JVP’s academic advisory council steering committee but at that time had no formal role with the group, told the officer she was not on JVP’s staff. The officer deported her anyhow.

“Canary Mission information is often neither reliable, nor complete, nor up to date,” said Israeli human rights attorney Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man, who represents activists and human rights advocates denied entry to Israel. Schaeffer Omer-Man says that the site, as such, shouldn’t legally qualify to be used as the basis for a deportation decision by border control officers, as it doesn’t meet reliability standards set by Israeli administrative law.

Yet incidents like those experienced by Franke and Kadi are on the rise. Schaeffer Omer-Man said that clients for years have said that they suspected that their interrogators had seen their Canary Mission profiles, based on the questions they asked. More recently, she said, clients have told her that border control mentioned Canary Mission by name.

Rumors of these incidents are spreading fear among campus activists.

“I have family in Israel, and I don’t expect I will be let in again,” said Tszayg, the Stanford student.

Shadowy Blacklist Of Student Activists Wins Endorsement Of Mainstream Pro-Israel Group

Josh Nathan-KazisOctober 3, 2017

Palestine Legal’s Liz Jackson said that a large majority of people who get in touch with her organization about their Canary Mission profile are mostly worried about traveling across Israeli borders. “That really puts the muzzle on what people can say in the public sphere about Palestine,” Jackson said.

Israel’s Ministry of the Interior, which oversees the country’s border control agency, did not respond to a question about whether it is ministry policy for its interrogators to use Canary Mission as a source of information on travelers. It’s possible that the officers are finding the Canary Mission dossiers on their own, by searching for travelers’ names on Google.

But absent a denial from the interior ministry, it’s also possible that the dossiers are being distributed systematically. When Schaeffer Omer-Man reviews her clients’ interrogation files, as attorneys have the right to do under Israeli law, she has never seen a mention of Canary Mission. What she has seen, however, in summaries of the interrogations, are references to material provided by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, the arm of the Israeli government tasked with opposing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement worldwide, largely through a secret network of non-governmental organizations that help it defend Israel abroad.

The Israeli Connection

When Gilad Erdan, the strategic affairs minister, took over his agency in 2015, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy, as it is officially known in English, had a tiny staff and a small budget. In just a few years, he has turned it into a major operation with a budget of over $100 million over two years, according to reporting by the Israeli investigative magazine the Seventh Eye.

At the core of the MSA’s operation is a network of more than a hundred non-governmental organizations with which it shares information and resources. “A key part the strategy is the belief that messaging by ‘real people’ is much more effective than plain old hasbara [propaganda] by official spokespersons,” said Itamar Benzaquen, an investigative journalist at the Seventh Eye, who has done extensive reporting on the MSA.

Shadowy Israeli App Turns American Jews Into Foot Soldiers In Online War

Josh Nathan-KazisNovember 30, 2017

The Forward has learned that the people who run Canary Mission are in direct contact with the leadership of, a pro-Israel propaganda app that is a part of the network, and has benefited from a publicity campaign funded by the MSA, according to Benzaquen’s reporting.

The founder and CEO of, Yarden Ben Yosef, told the Forward last fall that he had been in touch with the people who run Canary Mission, and that they had visited his office in Israel.

Neither Canary Mission nor the MSA responded to queries about their relationship to each other.

The Operators

Canary Mission has jealously guarded the anonymity of its operators, funders, and administrators, and its cloak of secrecy has held up against the efforts of journalists and pro-Palestine activists alike.

Two people, granted anonymity to speak about private conversations, have separately told the Forward that a British-born Jerusalem resident named Jonathan Bash identified himself to them as being in charge of Canary Mission.

The Forward reported in 2015 that Bash was the CEO of a pro-Israel advocacy training organization, Video Activism, that appeared to have numerous ties to Canary Mission. At the time, Bash denied there was any relationship between the organizations.

Neither Canary Mission nor Bash responded to requests for comment.

The Response

As Canary Mission has become an increasingly prominent feature of the campus landscape, students have adapted to its threat. Increasingly, student governments vote on divestment resolutions by secret ballot, partly in an attempt to keep Canary Mission from profiling student representatives who vote in favor.

Student activist groups, meanwhile, strategically mask the identities of vulnerable members. Abby Brook, who has been a leader in both the Students for Justice in Palestine and JVP groups at George Washington University, said that her fellow activists had strategized about who would be a public-facing leader of the group, and shoulder the risk of appearing on Canary Mission. When her profile went up last year, she was ready.

“We made strategic decisions within our organization about who would be out-facing members and who would be in-facing members, knowing that Canary Mission…would have different consequences for different people,” Brook said. She said that the names of members of her chapter of SJP who are Palestinian are not listed publicly, and that those individuals have stayed off of Canary Mission.

“We deliberately keep those people private,” Brook said. “I’m not Palestinian; I won’t be prohibited from being able to go home if I’m listed on Canary Mission. It has a lot less consequences for me as a white person.”

While Brook’s Palestinian colleagues have been able to hide their identities while being active on the issue, others have chosen not to take the risk. Palestine Legal’s Jackson said that she has fielded questions from students who want to take political action in support of Palestinian rights, but have been afraid to do so because of what being listed on Canary Mission could mean for their families. One student activist told Jackson she wanted to be a leader in SJP, but asked Jackson if getting a Canary Mission profile could damage her family’s naturalization application.

“I said I don’t know, honestly,” Jackson said.

Another student told Jackson that she had wanted to write an op-ed about the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, a controversial piece of federal legislation that critics say could limit free speech, but that she was afraid to be published because she wanted to be able to go visit her grandparents in the West Bank, and couldn’t risk being profiled on Canary Mission.

For students who do find themselves on Canary Mission, there is little recourse. Canary Mission has posted a handful of essays by “ex-canaries,” people who have written effusive apologies in return for being removed from the site. Jackson said that some profiles have been temporarily removed after the subjects filed copyright complaints, but that they were reposted later with the offending images removed.

There do not appear to have been any defamation suits filed against Canary Mission. The authors of the profiles are careful about what they write, and pursuing a lawsuit would place a heavy burden on the plaintiff. “Students who are naturally concerned about the reputational damage of being smeared as a terrorist usually don’t want to go through a public trial, because that only makes it worse,” Jackson wrote in an email. “It’s tough to take on a bully, especially in court. But litigation is not off the table.”

Campus Spies

In the meantime, Canary Mission’s utter secrecy has created an atmosphere of suspicion on campuses. While the operatives behind Canary Mission hide behind their well-protected anonymity, pro-Israel students take the blame for its activities, whether or not they were involved.

A number of students listed on the site who spoke with the Forward named specific pro-Israel students on their campuses who they suspected of having informed on them to Canary Mission.

Tilly Shames, who runs the local Hillel at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, said that Canary Mission has led to suspicion of pro-Israel students on her campus. “It has… created greater mistrust and exclusion of pro-Israel students, who are assumed to be involved in Canary Mission, or sharing information with Canary Mission, when they are not,” Shames said.

Kaplan, the NYU sophomore, said that he’s now wary talking to people who he knows are involved in pro-Israel activism on campus.

“I’ll want to be open and warm with them, but it will be, how do I know this guy isn’t reporting to Canary Mission?” Kaplan said. He said he didn’t intend to let the suspicions fomented by Canary Mission keep him from spending time with other Jewish students.

“I’m not going to live in fear; I love Jews,” he said. “I’m not going to not talk to Jewish students out of fear of being on Canary [Mission], but… it would be better to have some solidarity from the Jewish community of NYU.”
This is the second installment in an ongoing series.
Contact Josh Nathan-Kazis at or on Twitter, @joshnathankazis
Read more:

Canary Mission’s Threat Grows, From U.S. Campuses To The Israeli BorderRead more:


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