Richard Silverstein : 17 abitanti di Gaza uccisi , feriti 1.400. Cronologia , manipolazioni e indifferenza
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This is one of the deepest darkest days in years in the annals of Israeli-Palestinian relations. An independent Gaza initiative tied to the Nakba commemoration and the 1976 murder of Palestinians known as Land Day, called the Great March of Return, met the stone wall of Israeli resistance. Even before the march began, Israel announced it would use live fire to suppress the unrest. This is something unheard of not just in Israel-Palestine relations, but in the annals of all colonial struggles: the colonizer/oppressor announced in advance t planned to kill protesters in cold blood, while armed with little more than a rock, a tire or a slingshot.
Israel knew it could get away with perpetrating a massacre because the Trump administration Middle East policy has been hijacked by a pro-settler cabal run by Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, all of whom offered generous financial support to settlements before they entered the White House. It’s ironic that they in particular have risen to such positions of influence in the Trump administration due to their sworn, ferocious allegiance to Trumps financial interests before he became president. Trump admires Jews like them because they fulfill all the Jewish stereotypes: they’re tough, they’re mean, they’re protect his money. In any other context, we’d call that anti-Semitism.
But given that Trump seems to hate everyone who isn’t white, his stereotyping of Jews gets lost in the mix.
With the U.S., not only not saying a peep about this bloody massacre, but siding with Israel, it’s hard to see what constructive role we could play even in we wanted. In fact, Greenblatt tweeted falsely that the Gaza protest was sponsored by Hamas (it isn’t) and blamed it on the Gaza militant group. We’re on Israel’s side. Even when Israel murders Palestinians in cold blood, we stand with Israel. It’s a shameful abnegation of moral responsibility. And a betrayal of forty years of U.S. policy, which in itself was never terribly critical of Israel. But at least it maintained a semblance of balance.
Today’s protest brought 17 Gazans killed and over 1,400 injured. Over 50,000 demonstrators braved the Israeli mayhem to join in the protest. A remarkable show of unity in an enclave that often seems shorn of hope.
Today is also the first day of Passover. It is the holiday of freedom (at least for Jews). It marks the liberation of the Israelites from slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. The most dramatic part of the Biblical story pictures 600,000 Israelites massed on the shores of the Red Sea with thousands of the Pharaoh’s chariots rapidly closing in. Just at the moment everything seems hopeless, the winds rise to ferocious gales, the seas part and the Israelites walk to freedom.
As the Israelites are crossing, the Egyptian forces charge into the parted waters, which suddenly begin to close upon them. All of Pharaoh’s army is drowned in the raging water while the Israelites escape to safety on the other side.
In Gaza today, Palestinians did what the Israelites did 1,200 years ago. They massed in their thousands at the border separating Gaza and Israel. Their purpose: to reclaim the land stolen from them in the 1948 Nakba. But instead of God opening the border fence and allowing the Palestinians to pour through, He stood by as the latter-day equivalent to Pharoah’s army mowed them down in the thousands. God, it appears, remains on the side of the modern Israelites, even though they have assumed the mantle of the Egyptian oppressors.
The Intercept reports, based on eyewitness accounts, says that Israeli snipers felled protesters far from the fence. In other words, they were not protecting Israel’s border. They were engaging in target practice. Shooting birds in a barrel. The very first Gazan killed yesterday was a farmer working his fields. He was struck by an Israeli tank shell. Imagine that, Israel needs a massive tank shell to take out a single man working his fields. Why not drop one of Israel’s 200 WMD devices on Gaza and be done with it? Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have already suggested something similar. So this is nothing shocking or new.
I’ve embedded this feeble IDF propaganda tweet which typically shears all context from the Palestinians protests and their comparison to other peaceful protests elsewhere in the world. When Palestinians protest, they’re not met with the NYPD (which in itself can be pretty brutal) or a London bobbie. In this case, they’re not even met with Israeli police. They’re met with the full force of the army bearing its most advanced weapons. This is not a protest in a western capital. This is a protest in the capital of Israeli Occupation and oppression. So please excuse the fact that Gazans don’t go to their protests bearing gifts for their oppressors and placing daisies in the barrels of their guns.
Note that the peaceful western panel features the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty in its background. While the Palestinian panel shows violent protesters with a mosque in the background. This little Islamophobic gem implies that it is Islam which stokes the violence of Palestinians. Instead, it is Israel’s brutal Occupation which does so.
Another further irony, there is a third panel missing from this tweet: the one which shows what the IDF brings to its protests. Snipers, drones firing tear gas, tanks, artillery, and sometimes even helicopter gunships.
Today’s tragedy indicates the total breakdown in Israeli tactics. They have no other mode than full-on assault. It also points to the U.S. inability and unwillingness to tamp down Israel’s worst impulses. This is a perfect storm of murder and dysfunction, which can only lead to far darker places. Mark my words.
The world will sit back and do nothing. The United Nations? Impotent. Not to mention that old U.S. Security Council veto. The European Union? Occupied with far weightier problems far closer to home, like Brexit and the Russian spy scandal. The Arab world? The Saudi Crown Prince was in Seattle today, where he created massive traffic jams as his retinue drove through the city. The region’s corporate élite rolled out the red carpet because it knew he had his checkbook open and was ready to buy Boeing planes and meet with Boeing founder, Bill Gates. Not a word about Palestine on the agenda.
Questo è uno dei giorni più oscuri negli annali delle relazioni israelo-palestinesi. Un'iniziativa indipendente di Gaza legata alla commemorazione della Nakba e all'assassinio di palestinesi del 1976,chiamata la Grande Marcia del Ritorno , ha incontrato il muro di pietra israeliano . PRIMA che iniziasse la marcia, Israele aveva annunciaro che avrebbe usato il fuoco vivo per sopprimere i disordini. Questo è qualcosa di inaudito non solo nei rapporti tra Israele e Palestina, ma negli annali di tutte le lotte coloniali: il colonizzatore / oppressore annuncia in anticipo di uccidere i manifestanti a sangue freddo, manifestanti armati di sassi , di un pneumatico o di una fionda.Israele sapeva di poterla fare franca grazie all'appoggio dell'amministrazione americana
Hamas is encouraging a hostile march on the Israel-Gaza border. Hamas should focus on desperately needed improvements to the lives of Palestinians in Gaza instead of inciting violence against Israel that only increases hardship & undermines chances for peace.
Greenblatt ha twittato falsamente che la protesta di Gaza fosse sponsorizzata da Hamas (non lo è) e ha incolpato il gruppo militante di Gaza. Siamo dalla parte di Israele. Anche quando Israele uccide i palestinesi a sangue freddo, noi stiamo con Israele. È una vergognosa abnegazione della responsabilità morale. E un tradimento di quaranta anni di politica americana che di per sé non è mai stata terribilmente critica nei confronti di Israele,ma almeno manteneva una parvenza di equilibrio.
La protesta di oggi ha provocato la morte di 17 abitanti di Gaza e oltre 1.400 feriti. Oltre 50.000 dimostranti hanno sfidato il caos israeliano . Un notevole spettacolo di unità in un'enclave che spesso sembra priva di speranza.
Oggi è anche il primo giorno di Pasqua. È la festa della libertà (almeno per gli ebrei). Segna la liberazione degli israeliti dalla schiavitù per mano degli egiziani. La parte più drammatica della storia biblica mostra 600.000 israeliti ammassati sulle rive del Mar Rosso con migliaia di carri del Faraone che si stanno rapidamente avvicinando. Proprio in quel momento tutto sembra senza speranza , ma il mare si apre e gli israeliti camminano verso la libertà.
Le forze egiziane attraversano le acque separate che improvvisamente iniziano a chiudersi su di loro. Tutto l'esercito del faraone annega, mentre gli israeliti si salvano .
Oggi a Gaza i palestinesi hanno fatto ciò che gli israeliti hanno fatto 1.200 anni fa. Si sono ammassati a migliaia al confine che separa Gaza e Israele. Il loro scopo: reclamare la terra rubata nella Nakba del 1948.
I rapporti di Intercept , basati su resoconti di testimoni oculari, affermano che i cecchini israeliani hanno abbattuto i manifestanti lontano dalla recinzione. In altre parole, non stavano proteggendo il confine di IsraeleIl primo abitante di Gaza ucciso ieri era un contadino che lavorava nei suoi campi. È stato colpito da un carro armato israeliano. Quando i palestinesi protestano si scontrano con un esercito dotato di armi tra le più più avanzate. Questa non è una protesta in una capitale occidentale. Questa è una protesta nella capitale dell'occupazione e dell'oppressione israeliana. Quindi scusa il fatto che gli abitanti di Gaza non vanno alle loro proteste portando doni per i loro oppressori e mettendo margherite nei loro fucili.
La tragedia di oggi indica l'incapacità degli Stati Uniti a reprimere i peggiori impulsi di Israele. Questa è una tempesta perfetta per omicidi e disfunzioni che possono solo portare a situazioni molto più oscuri.
Il mondo non farà nulla. Le Nazioni Unite? Impotenti. Per non parlare del vecchio veto del Consiglio di sicurezza degli Stati Uniti. L'Unione Europea? Occupata con problemi molto più gravi e molto più locali , come la Brexit e lo scandalo russo delle spie. Il mondo arabo? Il principe ereditario saudita era a Seattle oggi, dove ha creato enormi ingorghi stradali mentre il suo seguito attraversava la città. L'élite aziendale della regione ha steso il tappeto rosso perché sapeva che aveva il libretto degli assegni aperto ed era pronto ad acquistare gli aerei Boeing e ad incontrare il fondatore della Boeing, Bill Gates. Non una parola sulla Palestina all'ordine del giorno.
This is one of the deepest darkest days in years in the annals of Israeli-Palestinian relations. An independent Gaza initiative tied to the Nakba commemoration and the 1976 murder of Palestinians known as Land Day, called the Great March of Return, met the stone wall of Israeli resistance. Even before the march began, Israel announced it would use live fire to suppress the unrest. This is something unheard of not just in Israel-Palestine relations, but in the annals of all colonial struggles: the colonizer/oppressor announced in advance t planned to kill protesters in cold blood, while armed with little more than a rock, a tire or a slingshot.
Israel knew it could get away with perpetrating a massacre because the Trump administration Middle East policy has been hijacked by a pro-settler cabal run by Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, all of whom offered generous financial support to settlements before they entered the White House. It’s ironic that they in particular have risen to such positions of influence in the Trump administration due to their sworn, ferocious allegiance to Trumps financial interests before he became president. Trump admires Jews like them because they fulfill all the Jewish stereotypes: they’re tough, they’re mean, they’re protect his money. In any other context, we’d call that anti-Semitism.
But given that Trump seems to hate everyone who isn’t white, his stereotyping of Jews gets lost in the mix.
With the U.S., not only not saying a peep about this bloody massacre, but siding with Israel, it’s hard to see what constructive role we could play even in we wanted. In fact, Greenblatt tweeted falsely that the Gaza protest was sponsored by Hamas (it isn’t) and blamed it on the Gaza militant group. We’re on Israel’s side. Even when Israel murders Palestinians in cold blood, we stand with Israel. It’s a shameful abnegation of moral responsibility. And a betrayal of forty years of U.S. policy, which in itself was never terribly critical of Israel. But at least it maintained a semblance of balance.
Today’s protest brought 17 Gazans killed and over 1,400 injured. Over 50,000 demonstrators braved the Israeli mayhem to join in the protest. A remarkable show of unity in an enclave that often seems shorn of hope.
Today is also the first day of Passover. It is the holiday of freedom (at least for Jews). It marks the liberation of the Israelites from slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. The most dramatic part of the Biblical story pictures 600,000 Israelites massed on the shores of the Red Sea with thousands of the Pharaoh’s chariots rapidly closing in. Just at the moment everything seems hopeless, the winds rise to ferocious gales, the seas part and the Israelites walk to freedom.
As the Israelites are crossing, the Egyptian forces charge into the parted waters, which suddenly begin to close upon them. All of Pharaoh’s army is drowned in the raging water while the Israelites escape to safety on the other side.
In Gaza today, Palestinians did what the Israelites did 1,200 years ago. They massed in their thousands at the border separating Gaza and Israel. Their purpose: to reclaim the land stolen from them in the 1948 Nakba. But instead of God opening the border fence and allowing the Palestinians to pour through, He stood by as the latter-day equivalent to Pharoah’s army mowed them down in the thousands. God, it appears, remains on the side of the modern Israelites, even though they have assumed the mantle of the Egyptian oppressors.
The Intercept reports, based on eyewitness accounts, says that Israeli snipers felled protesters far from the fence. In other words, they were not protecting Israel’s border. They were engaging in target practice. Shooting birds in a barrel. The very first Gazan killed yesterday was a farmer working his fields. He was struck by an Israeli tank shell. Imagine that, Israel needs a massive tank shell to take out a single man working his fields. Why not drop one of Israel’s 200 WMD devices on Gaza and be done with it? Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have already suggested something similar. So this is nothing shocking or new.
I’ve embedded this feeble IDF propaganda tweet which typically shears all context from the Palestinians protests and their comparison to other peaceful protests elsewhere in the world. When Palestinians protest, they’re not met with the NYPD (which in itself can be pretty brutal) or a London bobbie. In this case, they’re not even met with Israeli police. They’re met with the full force of the army bearing its most advanced weapons. This is not a protest in a western capital. This is a protest in the capital of Israeli Occupation and oppression. So please excuse the fact that Gazans don’t go to their protests bearing gifts for their oppressors and placing daisies in the barrels of their guns.
Note that the peaceful western panel features the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty in its background. While the Palestinian panel shows violent protesters with a mosque in the background. This little Islamophobic gem implies that it is Islam which stokes the violence of Palestinians. Instead, it is Israel’s brutal Occupation which does so.
Another further irony, there is a third panel missing from this tweet: the one which shows what the IDF brings to its protests. Snipers, drones firing tear gas, tanks, artillery, and sometimes even helicopter gunships.
Today’s tragedy indicates the total breakdown in Israeli tactics. They have no other mode than full-on assault. It also points to the U.S. inability and unwillingness to tamp down Israel’s worst impulses. This is a perfect storm of murder and dysfunction, which can only lead to far darker places. Mark my words.
The world will sit back and do nothing. The United Nations? Impotent. Not to mention that old U.S. Security Council veto. The European Union? Occupied with far weightier problems far closer to home, like Brexit and the Russian spy scandal. The Arab world? The Saudi Crown Prince was in Seattle today, where he created massive traffic jams as his retinue drove through the city. The region’s corporate élite rolled out the red carpet because it knew he had his checkbook open and was ready to buy Boeing planes and meet with Boeing founder, Bill Gates. Not a word about Palestine on the agenda.
is one of the deepest darkest days in years in the annals of
Israeli-Palestinian relations. An independent Gaza initiative tied to
the Nakba…|Di Richard Silverstein
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