Video Qalandiya Checkpoint : nessuna occupazione, questa come la chiamate?

Sintesi personale

 Oggi è l'ultimo Venerdì di Ramadan, migliaia di palestinesi ,che vivono sul lato 'sbagliato,sono  in coda al Qalandiya Checkpoint vicino a Gerusalmme . Sono in attesa  da ore sotto il sole  implacabile, a temperature che svettano sopra  i 32gradi  Celsius (90 gradi Farenheit) . Sperano di potersi recare a pregare  ad  al-Aqsa a Gerusaleme

Activestills   ha filmato il seguente video video: disgusto , disperazione, repulsione è ciò che si prova  
Vestiti di nero ,la polizia  di frontiera si scaglia al galoppo   contro una folla di civili disarmati che hanno solo sacchetti di plastica e carte d'identità. Sembrano i  cosacchi  al galoppo contro  gli ebrei terrorizzati  in uno dei primi shtetl russi  del Novecento, tranne che non hanno  torce.In lingua araba ,forze di sicurezza in piedi su una collina , abbaiano ordini tramite un altoparlante ,lanciano granate assordanti e sparano gas lacrimogeni contro le persone che che insultano e assalgono  Vecchi , uomini e donne sono costretti a passare  attraverso corsie  simili a  quelle del bestiame in un mattatoio 
Questo video è brutto , senza speranza , disgustoso I soldati sono indifferenti o arrabbiati contro i civili tra  torri di guardia, cemento, rifiuti, sporcizia e disperazione  Questa è Qalandiya. 
Gli occhi sono   puntati sugli  orrori che avvengono in Siria, nello Yemen e  in Iraq.quindi che cosa volete che sia  una  occupazione militare senza fine rispetto alle  decapitazioni,  alle torture, agli stupri di massa e a  milioni di rifugiati e sfollati.? 
Eid Mubarak.

Not an occupation? Whatever it is, it’s disgusting | +972 MagazineBlack-clad mounted Border olice galloping into and nearly trampling a crowd of unarmed civilians,

old men and women lucky enough to meet the army’s criterea…

[VIDEO] Not an occupation? Whatever it is, it's disgusting

Black-clad mounted Border Police galloping into and nearly trampling a crowd of unarmed civilians, old men and women lucky enough to meet the army’s criteria to pray in Jerusalem mutely line up to pass through what look like cattle lanes. Notes on one scene of ugliness and occupation.
Today, on the last Friday of Ramadan, thousands of Palestinians who live on the ‘wrong’ side of Israel’s West Bank barrier queued up at Qalandiya Checkpoint near Jerusalem, waiting for hours under the relentless Levantine sun, in temperatures that soared above 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Farenheit) for an opportunity to attend Friday noon prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Activestills, the cooperative of photojournalists that works in partnership with +972 and Local Call, its Hebrew sister publication, filmed the following video:
These are scenes that I have witnessed many times in real life. And I have seen more videos and still photos of similar scenes than I care to count. I’ve reached a point of avoiding these videos, but for some reason I clicked on this one. And all I could feel while watching it was disgust and despair. Because what’s going on here is disgusting. There’s no other word but disgust. Oh, and revulsion.
There's no such thing as a moral army
By |
Black-clad mounted Border Police galloping into and nearly trampling a crowd of unarmed civilians carrying plastic bags and identity cards. They look like Middle Eastern Cossacks galloping past cowering Jews in an early twentieth century Russian shtetl, except they’re not carrying torches. Arabic-speaking security forces standing on a hill and barking orders through a loudspeaker as they toss stun grenades and shoot tear gas at people who shuffle like sheep past soldiers who insult them and assault them. Old men and women lucky enough to meet the army’s criteria to pray in Jerusalem mutely line up to pass through what look like cattle lanes at an abattoir — or worse.
Everything in this video is ugly and hopeless and disgusting, from the indifferent or angry soldiers to the hopeless shuffling civilians to the physical wasteland of watchtowers, concrete, garbage, filth and despair that is Qalandiya. It is this grinding despair and the indifference it engenders that makes me feel as though there’s almost no point in bringing the attention of readers to this video. There are hundreds like it, stretching back over years and years. Literally.
But the people who care don’t have the power to effect change, while the people who do have the power to effect change just don’t give a shit. And everyone else is fixated on the incomparably greater horrors in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. After all, what’s an unending military occupation compared to beheadings, torture, mass rape and millions of refugees and displaced people.
Eid mubarak.



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