Richard Silverstein. incendiata la casa del testimone palestinese per gli omicidi Dawabshe…/home-of-key-palestinia…/

 Sintesi personale

Ieri piromani ignoti hanno bruciato la casa di Ibrahim Dawabsheh (ABC News qui ), il cugino della famiglia Dawabshe assassinata  in un incendio doloso nel giugno scorso. Ibrahim è un testimone importante dell'  attacco e deve  testimoniare in un tribunale israeliano:
"Ho visto Sa'ad e Reham che bruciavano a terra. Accanto a loro c'erano due uomini a volto coperto uno accanto a ciascuno di essi. Erano vestiti in jeans e camicia nera  a maniche lunghe I loro volti erano coperti da un passamontagna  con solo la bocca e gli occhi visibili. La luce della strada brillava direttamente su di loro. Sono rimasto inorridito da quello che ho visto. Mi hanno visto, ho avuto paura e sono corso a casa. Ho chiesto aiuto a mio fratello Bishar  e sono tornato a casa di Sa'ad  ".Shabak  ha posto sotto censura questa notizia per ragioni di sicurezza. Haaretz ha pubblicato la storia, quindi è da accertare se l'ordine è stato sospeso o solo alcuni dettagli non possono essere divulgati

Sappiamo per certo che uno dei due aggressori era Amiram Ben Ulliel . Egli infatti è il colpevole accusato di omicidi. Ma chi era il secondo attaccante?
Una fonte della sicurezza confidenziale mi ha detto mesi fa che  l'attacco  a Dawabsheh accadde perchè un informatore della Shabak  doveva  avvisare, ma non lo fece. L'ho   identificato come Israele Keller.
Ci sono numerose ragioni per cui lo  Shabak non vorrebbe che  Keller  venisse coinvolto: 1 ) evidenzierebbe il fallimento dell'agenzia    è un cittadino degli Stati Uniti., complicando notevolmente i rapporti di Israele con gli Stati Uniti 
I palestinesi stanno ipotizzando che  siano "estremisti ebrei" ad aver commesso l'attacco di ieri,ma  ho una speculazione ancora più allarmante: chi altro vorrebbe mettere a tacere questa testimonianza?Lo  Shabak e / o la polizia israeliana  al fine di intimidire Ibrahim  a non testimoniare o a  cambiare la sua testimonianza.
 Si dispone di un testimone palestinese che  ha visto gli assassini. Eppure la polizia e  lo  Shabak non hanno  fornito alcuna protezione .

Home of Key Palestinian Witness in Dawabshe Terror Murders Destroyed in Arson Attack

Ibrahim Dawabsheh’s home destroyed in arson attack (Rabbis for Human Rights)
Yesterday, unknown arsonists burned down the home of Ibrahim Dawabsheh (ABC News report here), the neighbor and cousin of the Dawabshe family, which was murdered in an arson attack last June.  Ibrahim is a key witness in the attack and is now testifying in an Israeli court.  Though police have said that there was only one arsonist the night of the murders, he saw two attackers:
“I saw Sa’ad and Reham burning on the ground. Next to them were two masked men, one beside each of them. They were dressed in jeans and black long-sleeved shirts,” he told Haaretz. “Their faces were covered with a balaclava, with only the mouth and eyes visible. The street light  shone directly on them. I was horrified by what I saw. They saw me and I was frightened and ran back home. I told my brother Bishar to get help and returned to Sa’ad’s house where I no longer saw the two masked men” said Ibrahim…
gag order dawabsheh arson
Gag order against reporting latest Dawabsheh arson attack
No one has explained this discrepancy.
The latest arson attack is under a Shabak gag order which argues that the story must be suppressed “for the sake of the investigation and to protect state security.”  Since Haaretz has reported the story, I am trying to ascertain whether the gag’s been lifted or whether some portions of the case remain under gag.
israel keller
Israel Keller, alleged as Shabak informant who turned rogue and firebombed Dawabsheh home.
But there is something important to keep in mind about the original murder conspiracy.  If there were two attackers, we know for sure that one of them was Amiram Ben Ulliel.  He indeed is the culprit charged with the murders.  But who was the second attacker?
A confidential security source told me months ago that the reason the Dawabsheh attack happened was that an insider in the plot was a Shabak informant who went rogue.  He was supposed to convey a warning when the attack was to happen and never did.  I’ve speculated that the only plausible figure it could be is the one who has not been charged with a crime.  I identified him as Israel Keller.
There are numerous reasons Shabak would not want Keller to be exposed.  The most important one is that he would reveal the security agency failed in a spectacular way leading to the murder of three innocent Palestinians, one an 18 month old baby.  The crime also left another young boy an orphan.  Second, Keller is a U.S. citizen.  It would considerably complicate Israel’s relations with the U.S. to find that a U.S. citizen was recruited as a Shabak informant, and then was an accessory to mass murder.
Palestinians are speculating that “Jewish extremists” committed yesterday’s attack.  But I have an even more alarming speculation: who else would wish to silence this witness?  The Shabak and/or the Israeli police.  It remains a distinct possibility that either Israeli security personnel ordered the attack or played some role in it in order to intimidate Ibrahim into not testifying or changing his testimony.
Think about it, here you have one of the most notorious crimes in Israel in the past year.  You have a key Palestinian witness who is the only person who actually saw the murderers.  Yet the police and Shabak provide no security to protect him.  In fact, someone commits virtually the same crime in the same location as the previous arson.  And security forces don’t know about it and don’t prevent it.  Passing strange if you ask me.


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