Visualizzare l'occupazione : area C

Foto: The State of Israel will argue tomorrow before the High Court of Justice that it does not discriminate against Palestinians in Area C, the West Bank, with regard to planning and construction.
Last June we issued a report that relates how Israel ignores the needs of the local residents of Area C, prohibiting virtually all Palestinian construction and development there.
Israel retains full control of land-related matters in Area C and views the area as meant above all to serve its own needs, such as the development of settlements, military training and commercial interests.
Image: infographic based on our report on Area C.

For an article on the petition to the High Court of Justice:
For background on Area C:
For our full report on Area C:
For more infographics:
i ‎B'Tselem בצלם‎.
The State of Israel will argue tomorrow before the High Court of Justice that it does not discriminate against Palestinians in Area C, the West Bank, with regard to planning and construction.
Last June we issued a report that relates how Israel ignores the needs of the local residents of Area C, prohibiting virtually all Palestinian construction and development there.
Israel retains full control of land-related matters in Area C and views the area as meant above all to serve its own needs, such as the development of settlements, military training and commercial interests.
Image: infographic based on our report on Area C.

For an article on the petition to the High Court of Justice:
For background on Area C:
For our full report on Area C:
For more infographics:


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