Rachel Corrie - April 10, 1979 - March 16, 2003

Foto: Rachel Corrie -  April 10, 1979 - March 16, 2003
We remember Rachel.
We remember Gaza.
We remember our friends
 in the West Bank, the Golan Heights, 
in Egypt, in Turkey, Russia, Israel, and beyond.
We hold in our hearts those throughout the world 
who yearn for peace with justice.
We reach out to join hands with those who act
 for a peace grounded in respect and love
 for all of God's peoples and creatures and for the planet.
This is what she stood for.Rachel Corrie - April 10, 1979 - March 16, 2003

We remember Rachel.
We remember Gaza.
We remember our friends
in the West Bank, the Golan Heights,
in Egypt, in Turkey, Russia, Israel, and beyond.
We hold in our hearts those throughout the world
who yearn for peace with justice.
We reach out to join hands with those who act
for a peace grounded in respect and love
for all of God's peoples and creatures and for the planet.
This is what she stood for.

Rachel Corrie Foundation.


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