Israele, governo si spacca su annessione valle Giordano

American Jordan Valley Proposal Photo Credit: Channel 2

GERUSALEMME - Il governo israeliano si è spaccato oggi quando una commissione ministeriale ha approvato in via preliminare una bozza di legge che prevede la estensione della legge israeliana agli insediamenti ebraici nella valle del Giordano.
Otto ministri hanno votato a favore e tre si sono opposti: fra questi la negoziatrice Tzipi Livni secondo cui la iniziativa è "irresponsabile". L'assetto definitivo nella valle del Giordano è una delle questioni più spinose nei negoziati con i palestinesi.
ANP , annessione valle giordano 'fine processo pacè La annessione ad Israele della valle del Giordano significa "la distruzione del processo di pace e degli sforzi negoziali condotti dal segretario di stato Usa John Kerry". Lo ha affermato il negoziatore palestinese Saeb Erekat, in dichiarazioni riportate da Maariv. La estensione della legge israeliana agli insediamenti ebraici lungo il Giordano "è incompatibile col diritto internazionale", ha aggiunto.
 The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved today a bill initiated by Likud MK Miri Regev calling for the annexation of the Jordan Valley and transferring the area to be under full Israeli sovereignty, in contrast to the American proposal for security arrangements in the framework of the negotiations with the Palestinians.
 The bill passed with a majority of 8 Knesset members supporting it, with three opposed.  Both Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Israeli Justice Minister Tzippi Livni are expected to oppose the bill, believing that it will harm the political negotiations with the Palestinians and adversely affect Israel’s public image.
 During a heated discussion, Israeli Justice Minister Livni personally attacked the bill’s sponsor: “I have no respect for the bill or those who made it.”  Israeli Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar stated in response, “Who made you talk like that?”  MK Miri Regev stressed, “The law was approved just when the government is negotiating with the Palestinians is a statement that the government decided that the Jordan Valley is a strategic asset of Israel and forever will remain a part of Israel.”   

MK Miri Regev Photo Credit: Knesset Channel
“The purpose of the law is simple,” Regev told Arutz Sheva.  “To ensure that the current government of Israel continues to maintain Israel’s eastern line of defense, as every previous government has done.  Just to remind everyone, there was opposition to imposing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan region, but the sky didn’t fall when it happened,” she said.
“It’s no secret that the towns in the Jordan Valley have tremendous importance in terms of defense and strategy… Ultimately, we have a responsibility to the citizens of Israel,” Regev declared. “Not every round of negotiations has to end with land concessions and forcibly evacuating Israeli towns,” she added. “If this continues, eventually we’ll end up with just central Tel Aviv.”


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