B'Tselem : 27 palestinesi uccisi in Cisgiordania nel 2013

Israel News 

 Sintesi personale
Le forze israeliane hanno ucciso 27 palestinesi in Cisgiordania nel 2013, tre volte  di più  del numero registrato lo scorso anno.

 Tre israeliani delle forze di sicurezza  sono stati uccisi : due in Cisgiordania e uno a Gaza
La portavoce di B'Tselem, Sarit Michaeli,ha sottolineato "  la mancanza di serietà" dell'esercito israeliano ad indagare  sull'uccisione di  civili palestinesi  dall'IDF.
L'esercito ha solo una volta incriminato e condannato un soldato in circa 28 episodi distinti dove sono morti  35 palestinesi negli ultimi due anni e mezzo,

"Le indagini sono ora avviate quasi automaticamente Eppure l'essenza del meccanismo investigativo rimane invariata :  nessuno è ritenuto responsabile per l'uccisione di palestinesi".

B’Tselem reviews 2013: 5-year high in number of Palestinian fatalities in West Bank

Soldiers watching the funeral of Muhammad 'Asfur, killed by Israeli security forces in the village of A'bud in the West Bank. Photo: Oren Ziv, Activestills.org, 8 March 2013

Three times as many people were killed in the West Bank in 2013 as were in 2012. This calculation is based on data compiled by Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem. In contrast to the situation from 2003 to 2012 when most Palestinian fatalities occurred in the Gaza Strip, in 2013 the majority of Palestinian fatalities occurred in the West Bank. According to the data for the past year, Israeli security forces killed 27 Palestinians in the West Bank in 21 separate incidents and nine Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in seven incidents.
The incidents that resulted in fatalities in the West Bank include the following instances:
  • In nine incidents, Israeli security forces entered Palestinian communities for the purpose of what the military calls arrest operations: In four of these incidents, soldiers fired shots when stones were thrown at them; another four incidents involved exchanges of fire; regarding the last incident the Israeli military maintains that there were exchanges of fire, but B’Tselem has been unable to verify this information.
  • In three incidents, soldiers fired while lying in wait to capture stone-throwers.
  • In four incidents, soldiers discharged lethal gunfire when Palestinians were throwing stones.
  • Five incidents occurred under other kinds of conditions: one man was shot when he tried to enter Israel without carrying a legal entry permit; one woman passerby was shot by the military who argued that a Molotov cocktail had been lobbed in the area; one man was shot when he broke into a military base with a tractor; and one man was shot after allegedly assaulting a Border Police officer.
Of the Gaza residents killed: four were taking part in the hostilities when they were killed; three were not; regarding one, it is unknown whether or not he was taking part in the hostilities; and one was killed in a targeted assassination.
In addition, two Palestinians were killed in Israel this year, one a resident of the West Bank and the other of the Gaza Strip.
In contrast, in 2012, Israeli security forces killed 8 Palestinians in the West Bank and 246 in the Gaza Strip (including 167 during Operation Pillar of Defense), of whom 104 who were not taking part in the hostilities.
Israeli fatalities:
Palestinians killed three Israeli civilians this year, two in the West Bank and one near the Gaza perimeter fence. In 2012, four Israeli civilians in Israel were killed by Palestinians who launched rockets and shells from the Gaza Strip, whereas no Israeli civilians were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank. In 2013 Palestinians also killed three Israeli security forces personnel, in Israel and in the West Bank. The same figure as in 2012.
Investigations of killings
Two years and eight months have passed since the new investigative policy of the MAG Corps went into effect. In that time 35 Palestinians were killed by soldiers in 28 separate incidents. The Military Police Investigation Unit (MPIU) launched an investigation of 23 of the fatalities which occurred in 19 incidents.
To date, the MAG Corps has made a decision regarding only five of all incidents:
  • In one case a decision was made not to launch an investigation.
  • In three cases the investigative file was closed without adopting any measures against the individuals involved: In one case B’Tselem appealed the decision to close the file and in another B’Tselem is currently waiting to receive the material in the investigation file.
  • In another incident a soldier was indicted and then convicted by plea bargain based on his admission. The MAG Corps has yet to tender its decision regarding 21 cases:
  • Eleven cases are still under investigation or awaiting additional investigative material.
  • In four cases the MPIU investigation was completed. The file was sent to the MAG Corps and is awaiting its decision on the matter.
  • In six cases the MAG Corps has yet to decide whether to launch an investigation. Regarding five of these cases, the MAG Corps justified its position in that the person or persons killed do not meet the definition of “a civilian uninvolved in fighting”. In the sixth case, B’Tselem was informed that a “limited investigation” – the meaning of which is unknown to B’Tselem – was launched.
Regarding two other cases, B’Tselem does not know the investigation status.
Upon publication of the statistics, B’Tselem Director Jessica Montell said, “The sharp rise in fatalities in the West Bank only serves to intensify concern about lack of accountability. Admittedly, MPIU investigations are now launched almost automatically, yet the essence of the investigative mechanism remains unchanged. It is slow and cumbersome and decisions are made only years after an incident takes place. Such a mechanism, in which practically no one is held accountable for the killing of Palestinians, does not serve as a deterrent and indicates disregard for human life.

3  2013 was a deadly year in Israel-Palestine

Regardless of how they were killed, by whom, how it was justified or who mourned them, each person who died in the Israel-Palestine conflict this year has a name.

A Palestinian woman mourns the loss of family member who was killed in clashes during a raid by the Israeli army into Qalandiya Refugee Camp, August, 26, 2013. See below for more details. (Photo: Oren Ziv/Activestills.org)
Last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton for daring to mourn together in the same breath the killings of Jewish schoolchildren in France and Palestinian schoolchildren in Gaza. Legally speaking, of course, there was a difference. But legal and even moral arguments only affect the killer. Categorizing deaths does very little, if anything, to ease the pain of families in mourning, regardless of if or how a legal system or politician justifies their loss.
Forty-four people were killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2013. The vast majority of them (38) were Palestinian, six were Israeli. Five of the Palestinians were minors and one was a woman. The youngest was two years old, the oldest was 61. Some were actively involved in hostilities or were members of armed groups and armies, others were civilians who were uninvolved in hostilities.
Those are the numbers.
Of course, it’s almost gratuitous to mention that there are far-more-deadly conflicts taking place just a few hours’ drive from Israel and Palestine. The point of this post is not to show how deadly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was in relation to other conflicts this year, or even compared to years past in Israel and Palestine. Compared to previous years, 2013 actually saw a relatively small number of civilian casualties.
May 2014 see less killing.
The point is simply to remind that every person who was killed, regardless of how or by whom, has a name. Here are their names (in chronological order):
(Data compiled from B’Tselem.)
Anwar Muhammad ‘Alian al-Mamluk, 19
Resident of Gaza City, killed on 11 Jan 2013 next to Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: killed about 50 meters from the perimeter fence, while with a group of people trying to approach the fence.
‘Udai Muhammad Salameh Darawish, 21
Resident of Dura, Hebron district, killed on 12 Jan 2013 in a-Ramadin, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: shot when he fled from soldiers while trying to enter Israel illegally, to work.
Samir Ahmad Muhammad ‘Awad, 16
Resident of Budrus, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 15 Jan 2013 in Budrus, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: died when shot by soldiers near the separation barrier. He had crossed the first barbed wire fence in the barrier and was shot in the back and the head while trying to flee an ambush by soldiers on his way back to Budrus. (Read more here)
Saleh Ahmad Suliman al-’Amarin, 15
Resident of al-’Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, injured on 18 Jan 2013 in ‘Aida Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire bullets, and died on 23 Jan 2013. Additional information: wounded when shot in the head during a confrontation that developed in front of the military guard tower near Rachel’s Tomb, between Palestinian youths and soldiers. He died of his injuries a few days later.
Lubna Munir Sa’id al-Hanash, 21
Resident of Bethlehem, killed on 23 Jan 2013 next to al-’Arrub Refugee Camp, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: wounded by soldiers’ firing alongside Route 60 while she was walking on the grounds of Al-’Arrub College. The military alleged that a Molotov cocktail was thrown at that location. B’Tselem has no information to confirm this.
Muhammad Samih Hussein ‘Asfur, 22
Resident of A’bud, Ramallah and al-Bira district, injured on 22 Feb 2013 in ‘Abud, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire rubber-coated metal bullets, and died on 07 Mar 2013. Additional information: wounded in the head during a demonstration in the course of which youths threw stones, and died of his injuries in an Israeli hospital about two weeks later.
Mahmoud Wajeeh ‘Abd al-Hamid ‘Awwad, 25
Resident of Atarot, Ramallah and al-Bira district, injured on 01 Mar 2013 next to Qalandiya, al-Quds district, by rubber-coated metal bullets, and died on 28 Nov 2013.
Mahmoud ‘Adel Fares a-Titi, 22
Resident of al-Fawwar Camp, Hebron district, killed on 12 Mar 2013 in al-Fawwar Refugee Camp, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: shot by soldiers who entered a refugee camp in a vehicle and began firing after their vehicle got stuck and civilians in the camp threw stones at them.
‘Amer Ibrahim Naji Nassar, 18
Resident of Anabta, Tulkarm district, killed on 03 Apr 2013 at a checkpoint near ‘Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: shot by soldiers near the Einav/Anabta checkpoint after he threw a Molotov cocktail at the guard tower. Another person was killed with him.
Naji ‘Abd a-Salam Naji al-Balbisi, 19
Resident of Anabta, Tulkarm district, killed on 03 Apr 2013 at a checkpoint near ‘Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: shot in the back by soldiers near the Einav/Anabta checkpoint after arriving there with several other people, one of whom threw a Molotov cocktail at the guard tower. The Palestinian who threw the Molotov cocktail was also killed.
Evyatar Borovsky, 30
Resident of Yizhar, Nablus district, killed on 30 Apr 2013 in Tapuah Junction, Nablus district, by knife stabbing. Additional information: stabbed to death at a settler hitchhiking station at Tapuah Junction.
Haitham Ziad Ibrahim al-Mishal, 25
Resident of a-Shati’ Camp, Gaza district, killed on 30 Apr 2013 in Gaza City, by gunfire from a aircraft, He was the object of a targeted killing. Additional information: Killed while riding a motorcycle in western Gaza City.
Mu’taz Idris ‘Abd al-Fatah Sharawnah, 18
Resident of Dura, Hebron district, killed on 02 Jul 2013 in Dura, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: shot in the back during clashes with IDF force.
Hussein ‘Abd al-Hadi Khalil ‘Awadallah, 33
Resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Gaza, killed on 10 Aug 2013 in Eshkol Regional Council, Israel, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: killed by military fire after crossing over the perimeter fence into Israel.
Karim Subhi Muhammad Saleh, 17
Resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, injured on 20 Aug 2013 in Jenin Refugee Camp, by gunfire bullets, and died on 31 Aug 2013. Additional information: took part in stone-throwing at the Israeli security forces. Died of his wounds about 10 days later. Another person died in the same incident.
Majd Muhammad Ahmad Lahlouh, 20
Resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 20 Aug 2013 in Jenin Refugee Camp, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: killed by military fire during clashes and exchanges of gunfire that took place in the course of an arrest at the refugee camp. Took part in stone-throwing at the Israeli security forces. Another person who was injured in the same incident died of his wounds about 10 days later.
Rubin ‘Abd a-Rahman Hussein Zayed, 34
Resident of Qalandiya Camp, al-Quds district, killed on 26 Aug 2013 in Qalandiya Refugee Camp, al-Quds district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: UNRWA employee. Killed by military fire during clashes that erupted in the course of an arrest in the refugee camp. Took no part in the clashes. Two other people were killed in the same incident. (Watch video here.)
Yunes Jamal Muhammad Jahjouh, 22
Resident of Qalandiya Camp, al-Quds district, killed on 26 Aug 2013 in Qalandiya Refugee Camp, al-Quds district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Killed by military fire during clashes that erupted in the course of an arrest at the refugee camp. Took part in stone-throwing at the Israeli security forces during the clashes. Two other people were killed in the same incident. (Watch video here.)
Jihad Mansur Harbi Aslan, 20
Resident of Qalandiya Camp, al-Quds district, killed on 26 Aug 2013 in Qalandiya Refugee Camp, al-Quds district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Injured by military fire during clashes that erupted in the course of an arrest in the refugee camp. Took part in stone-throwing at Israeli security forces during the clashes. Died of his wounds later that day. Two other people were killed in the same incident. (Watch video here.)
Islam Husam Sa’id Tubasi, 20
Resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 17 Sep 2013 in Jenin Refugee Camp, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Injured by bullets fired in the course of a joint police and military raid to arrest him at home. Died of his wounds later that day.
Tomer Hazan, 20
Resident of Bat Yam, Israel district, killed on 20 Sep 2013 in Sanniriya, Qalqiliya district, by strangulation. Additional information: Off duty IDF soldier, came to Sanniriya in the company of co-worker at the restaurant where he worked, a Palestinian resident of the village. The man threw him into a cistern at the outskirts of the village. Died of the fall into the cistern.
Gavriel Kobi, 20
Resident of Tirat Carmel, Israel, killed on 22 Sep 2013 in Hebron, by gunfire bullets fired from a sniper. Additional information: IDF soldier killed by sniper fire while standing at a checkpoint. Identity of shooter still unknown.
Hweishel Isma’il Hweishel al-Hanajreh, 35
Resident of Gaza City, killed on 30 Sep 2013 in Beit Hanoun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities Additional information: Killed after trying to cross Gaza perimeter fence into Israel for work. Had no permit. Once discovered, ran back; after crossing the fence back into Gaza, was shot. His body was found approximately 400 meters from the fence.
Sraya Ofer, 61
Resident of Brosh Habik’a, Tubas district in Jordan Valley, killed on 10 Oct 2013 in Brosh Habik’a, Tubas district in Jordan Valley, by beating by axe. Additional information: attacked with axes and iron rods in his yard, at the village resort where he lived.
Yunes Ahmad Mahmoud a-Radaydeh, 27
Resident of Beit Hanina al-Balad, al-Quds district, killed on 17 Oct 2013 in a-Ram, al-Quds district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot by soldiers after breaking into a military base while driving a tractor.
Muhammad Rabah Shukri ‘Asi, 27
Resident of Beit Liqya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 22 Oct 2013 next to Bil’in, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Additional information: Member of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. Killed during an exchange of gunfire with soldiers when they came to arrest him in a cave in which he was hiding. Was suspected of participating in a bus bombing in the previous year.
Rabi’ Khalil Suliman Abu Barakah, 21
Resident of Bani Suheila, Khan Yunis district of Gaza, killed on 31 Oct 2013 in ‘Abasan al-Kabirah, Khan Yunis district of Gaza, by gunfire. Participated in hostilities member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed in gunfire exchange with military forces that entered the Gaza Strip in order to blow up a tunnel leading into Israel.
Ahmad ‘Imad Yusef Tazaz’ah, 21
Resident of Qabatiya, Jenin district, killed on 31 Oct 2013 in Qabatiya, Jenin district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Killed by shooting during a confrontation with military forces in a market near Qabatiya.
Muhammad Rashid Hussein Da’ud, 26
Resident of Khan Yunis, Gaza, killed on 01 Nov 2013 in ‘Abasan al-Kabirah, Khan Yunis district of Gaza, by gunfire missile fired from a aircraft. Participated in hostilities, member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed in an airstrike on a tunnel into Israel. The bombing caused the detonation of explosives in the tunnel. Two other members of armed Palestinian groups were killed as well. His body and the body of one of the other two were not found.
Muhammad ‘Issam ‘Omar al-Qasas, 23
Resident of Khan Yunis, Gaza, killed on 01 Nov 2013 in ‘Abasan al-Kabirah, Khan Yunis district of Gaza, by missile fired from a aircraft. Participated in hostilities, member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed in an airstrike on a tunnel into Israel. The bombing caused the detonation of explosives in the tunnel. Two other members of armed Palestinian groups were killed as well. His body and the body of one of the other two were not found.
Khaled Muhammad Jum’ah Abu Bakrah, 34
Resident of Khan Yunis, Gaza, killed on 01 Nov 2013 in ‘Abasan al-Kabirah, Khan Yunis, Gaza district, by missile fired from a aircraft. Participated in hostilities, member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed in an airstrike on a tunnel into Israel. The bombing caused the detonation of explosives in the tunnel. Two other members of armed Palestinian groups were killed as well and their bodies were not found.
Anas Fouad Rifa’i al-Atrash, 23
Resident of Hebron, killed on 07 Nov 2013 in a-Sawahrah a-Sharqiyah, al-Quds district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot after exiting his brother’s car when it stopped at the Container Checkpoint. According to the police, he attempted to stab a Border Police officer at the checkpoint.
Bashir Sami Salem Habanin, 28
Resident of Merkah, Jenin district, killed on 07 Nov 2013 in Za’tara, Nablus district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot to death by Border Police officers and soldiers after he fired firecrackers at Tapuah Junction.
Eden Atias, 19
Resident of Nazareth Illit, Israel, killed on 13 Nov 2013 in Afula, Israel, by stabbing. Additional information: IDF soldier stabbed by a Palestinian teenager as the bus on which they were both passengers reached the Afula Central Bus Station. Died of his wounds later that day.
Mahmoud Khaled Mahmoud Najar, 22
Resident of Yatta, Hebron district, killed on 26 Nov 2013 in al-Karmil, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Member of Mujahidin Advocacy Council. Military, ISA and police forces fired at him on roof of his home in course of arrest raid in which two other members of same armed group were killed in their car in Yatta.
Muhammad Fouad Jamil Neiroukh, 30
Resident of Hebron, killed on 26 Nov 2013 in Yatta, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Member of Mujahidin Advocacy Council. Military, ISA and police forces fired at his car in course of arrest raid. Another armed Palestinian who was in the car with him was also killed. A third member of same armed group was killed in the course of an operation for his arrest in al-Karmil.
Musa Muhammad Musa Makhamreh, 21
Resident of Yatta, Hebron district, killed on 26 Nov 2013 in Yatta, Hebron district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Member of Mujahidin Advocacy Council. Military, ISA and police forces fired at his car in course of arrest raid. Another armed Palestinian who was in the car with him was also killed. A third member of same armed group was killed in the course of an operation for his arrest in al-Karmil.
‘Antar Shibli Mahmoud al-Aqra’, 23
Resident of Kabalan, killed on 30 Nov 2013 in Petah Tikva, Israel, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot to death by Border Police volunteer while fleeing the volunteer in course of operation to apprehend Palestinians who entered Israel without a permit, at Yarkon Cemetery.
Wajeeh Wajdi Wajeeh a-Ramahi, 15
Resident of al-Jalazun Refugee Camp, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 07 Dec 2013 in al-Jalazun Refugee Camp, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot in the back by soldiers while in the company of a group of youths who were throwing stones at the soldiers from approximately 200 meters away.
Nafe’a Jamil Nafe’a a-S’adi, 23
Resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 18 Dec 2013 in Jenin Refugee Camp, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Active member of military branch of Islamic Jihad. Killed in exchange of fire between armed Palestinians and Israeli SWAT team (Special Central Unit). According to IDF Spokesperson, the troops were on site for an arrest operation.
Saleh Samir ‘Abd a-Rahman Yasin, 27
Resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 19 Dec 2013 in Qalqiliyah, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Member of Palestinian security forces. Fired at soldiers and then shot to death by them. According to IDF Spokesperson, the soldiers were on site for an arrest operation.
‘Odeh Jihad ‘Odeh Hamad, 27
Resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 20 Dec 2013 in Beit Hanoun, North Gaza district, by gunfire bullets. Did not participate in hostilities Additional information: Shot adjacent to Gaza perimeter fence while collecting scraps at a garbage dump, north-east of Beit Hanoun.
Salah Shukri Abu Ltayef, 22
Resident of Rahat, Israel, killed on 24 Dec 2013 in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, by gunfire bullets. Additional information: Shot at while repairing the Gaza perimeter fence. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the shooting.
Hala Ahmad Abu Sbeikhah, 2
Resident of al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, Gaza, killed on 24 Dec 2013 in al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district of Gaza, by gunfire shell fired from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities Additional information: Aged two years and eight months old. Killed by a shell when she was outside in the yard of her home. Two additional shells were later fired at her home. Three of the girl’s relatives were wounde


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