Appello contro il Prawer Plan : approvato in una prima fase dal governo israeliano

Jewish Voice for Peace

Dear Supporter,

Late yesterday in Israel, the Knesset approved the first reading of the infamous Prawer Plan - a blueprint for removing 40,000 Bedouin people from their ancestral homeland.

This massive violation of human rights just got a big step closer to reality. But it's not too late to stop it: if we act now, we can make a difference.
So we're asking you to send a message to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren: we are appalled by the Prawer Plan, and all it represents.

From the years I lived in Israel, I remember visiting "unrecognized" Bedouin villages in the Negev that had been destroyed multiple times.

I remember children and grandmothers sitting near the rubble of their homes, and especially the young man who had been called to serve in the Israeli Army - on the very day his home had been destroyed.

The Prawer Plan threatens that level of destruction on an unprecedented scale.

It is appalling that transfer based on nothing more than ethnic identity is even under consideration.

And if our government is going to offer unconditional support to Israel, we need to send that message to Ambassador Oren, Israel's official representative to the U.S.

Click here to send an email now - and stand up for universal human rights and equality.


Rebecca Vilkomerson
Executive Director

P.S: if you're not in the U.S., please sign this petition for international supporters from our friends at directed at the Israeli Knesse


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