Richard Silverstein : criminilazzizazione strisciante in Israele dei diritti democratici

 Kobi Snitz

Pochi giorni fa, Amira Hass ha scritto su Haaretz  dell' interrogatorio  subito da un'  attivista pacifista israeliano, Kobi Snitz. Snitz è un matematico presso l'Istituto Weizmann e un membro di un gruppo pro-BDS in Israele chiamato Boycott from Within (associato agli  Anarchici Contro il Muro ). Snitz e diverse centinaia di altri hanno firmato il manifesto del gruppo  destando   l'attenzione della polizia segreta (un altro termine che uso per i servizi segreti di Israele / apparato di sicurezza).
 I funzionari hanno "invitato" Snitz a recarsi da loro per essere interrogato .Non voleva andare , ma gli hanno detto che in tal caso sarebbe stato prelevato  da  una macchina della polizia al campus e ,arrestato  per un interrogatorio. Kobi  è stato accolto da due agenti. Il  più anziano, Mati,  si è presentato come un alto funzionario dell'agenzia "sezione ebraica" specificando  che la  "delegittimazione" faceva parte dei parametri dell'agenzia.
Ciò significa che l'attivismo BDS in Israele è considerato dallo Shin Bet come  un reato penale.
Nel 2007,Yuval Diskin ha annunciato una nuova dottrina  :   qualsiasi forma di attivismo (attività anche giuridiche) che minacciava la natura ebraica dello Stato  veniva considerato come un atto di sedizione e quindi definito come un atto criminale.  Con questa accusa sono stati denunciati i  nazionalisti palestinesi ( Ameer Makhoul  sta infatti scontando una condanna a nove anni per  tali false accuse), sembra che il concetto  sia  stato esteso ai pericolosi radicali di sinistra ebrei, le cui idee minacciano di  rovesciare lo Stato. Questa è l'attuale  follia di Israele :  le idee sono diventate  pericolose come le armi e i pensieri  diventano atti reali di sedizione . Per fortuna l'Associazione per i Diritti Civili in Israele ha presentato una sfida legale a questa dottrina
. Mati ha specificato  che questo  era  un incontro  di  cortesia. Se avesse continuato con le sue  "fastidiose" attività , il prossimo incontro sarebbe stato  "molto meno piacevole."
  Kobi lavora a stretto contatto con i palestinesi che ricevono proprio questo tipo di trattamento spiacevole, sapeva cosa volesse dire.Kobi mi ha riferito che dodici  altri attivisti sono stati allo stesso modo  presi di mira, quindi questo è un fenomeno in crescita . Si cerca di intimidire gli attivisti israeliani ebrei. Ha aggiunto che Yonatan Pollak era stato minacciato con un ordine restrittivo. Questo, naturalmente, significa limitare la libertà di circolazione di un cittadino sospettato di aver commesso un  atto illegale  (oh sì, partecipare  a una protesta in  Cisgiordania contro la volontà dell'  IDF è un atto illegale nello stato chiamato Israele Occupazione) .
Di fronte ai crimini reali dei coloni, lo Shin Bet preferisce controllare  anarchici pacifisti disarmati, la cui unica attività illecita consiste nell'  avere "inaccettabili"  pensieri sulle questioni politiche.

By | Dec.24, 2012 | 4:26 AM | 4

The Shin Bet's murky world of 'delegitimization'

An Israeli mathematician was called in last week for an interrogation by the internal security service and was promised a much less pleasant session next time. 

The Shin Bet security service includes among its activities something it calls "delegitimization." At least that's what one can infer from a Shin Bet operative's statements to a left-wing activist, Dr. Kobi Snitz, who was summoned for interrogation on Wednesday. The Shin Bet didn't respond to Haaretz's request to define "delegitimization" or to state how activities against it come under its purview, or under which section of which law.
Snitz, 41, is a mathematician employed by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot. He was summoned for questioning by the Shin Bet for the first time two years ago. This time, "at the Rehovot police station there was the same Rona from last year," Snitz said, referring to a Shin Bet investigator who has questioned and/or warned several left-wing activists.
Snitz has been taking part in demonstrations by Palestinian villagers against the West Bank separation fence for more than 13 years. He is also an active member of the Israeli organization Boycott From Within, which supports the Palestinian call for a boycott on Israel, divestment and sanctions.
"There was someone with Rona called, if I'm not mistaken, Mati, and he said he was a director or head of a department. He didn't say which department, but I assume it was the Jewish department. He said he was currently working on the extreme left and delegitimization.
"Their behavior, in my experience and that of other activists who have told me about their interrogations, is fairly standard. The only new twist I noticed was the inclusion of 'delegitimization.' I didn't ask what that meant, because I said in advance I wouldn't talk or enter into any kind of discussion with them. Mati didn't mention Boycott From Within but spoke generally about demonstrations that require a permit.
"He said soldiers had been injured and that I allegedly take part in violent demonstrations. He threatened me, more or less, saying he has been hearing my name too often and that if I don't stop they'll use far less pleasant means - he didn't specify the means - and that they would put me on trial."

Unlike Mati, Rona read from a printed sheet, "as though she were reading from the Torah," said Snitz. "She handwrote on a page and read it to me: 'We at the Shin Bet are following your activities; this is a democracy, but if one breaks the law ... we will not let you break the law.'"
In its response to Haaretz, the Shin Bet said it possesses "information indicating that Dr. Kobi Snitz is involved in organizing illegal gatherings and illegal entry into restricted military zones in the West Bank. Dr. Snitz was summoned to the Rehovot police station for interrogation regarding his activities."
According to the Shin Bet, "At that time, Dr. Snitz was advised of the gravity of the illegal activities attributed to him, and was warned that enforcement measures would be taken against him if he continued to act illegally as previously mentioned. The Shin Bet's actions were carried out pursuant to its authority and mission as provided by law."
Boycott From Within's website contains a long list of questions and answers, including the following: "This is an initiative by Israeli activists who have worked for many years to try to change the situation through various actions and campaigns. We decided to support the Palestinian call for a boycott when we realized that our other efforts, while important and necessary, are not enough to bring real change. Israeli public opinion and the country's political agenda will change only when the price of continuing the status quo becomes too high. We hope that the BDS campaign will eventually have this effect."
According to Boycott from Within, "Economic and social analysts in Israel (e.g., Yagil Levy and Shlomo Swirsky ) have repeatedly pointed out that Israel's extreme militarization - allegedly justified by the continuing conflict and perpetuated, to a large extent, by occupation - has functioned to divert public attention from, and to preempt public protest against, the process of galloping neo-liberalization of Israel's economy since the early 1990s, thus benefiting the very rich and further impoverishing the poorer classes."
According to the group, "We believe that ending the occupation and establishing equal and just political arrangements in Israel/Palestine are also in our interest as Israelis.
"We are asking the world to intervene not only because the continually escalating brutality and illegality of the occupation justify intervention, but also because the current levels of apathy in our society render this move necessary."
Apropos apathy, allow me to provide last week's headlines that never were, or were buried immediately, regarding the nine attacks on Palestinians by settlers: seven injured, three torched cars and graffiti slogans in Hebrew. Also, 200 olive trees were uprooted, bringing the total number uprooted or damaged by invisible hands since January to 8,200, not including the 450 removed by Israeli authorities from Nahalin under the excuse that they were on state land. Also, not including arrests, dispersals of demonstrations, injured demonstrators, 313,000 people in 113 communities who have no access to water because of Israeli construction injunctions, the demolition of the Beit Nuba school and other demolition orders, the Israel Defense Forces' shooting of a fisherman and confiscation of his boat in Gaza, and firing on people who make their living collecting scrap metal 500 meters from the wall that surrounds the Gaza Strip, two people were injured.



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