Israele : la foto dei due soldati che si tengono per mano è una messinscena

Sintesi personale
1  La  foto di due soldati israeliani che  si tengono per mano è ingannevole. In effetti i due soldati nella foto non sono una coppia, solo uno dei due è gay ed entrambi  lavorano  nell'Ufficio  del Portavoce dell'IDF. Contattato da The Times di Israele, l'ufficio del portavoce dell'IDF non ha negato che la foto sia una messinscena : "La foto riflette la mentalità aperta dell' l'IDF  verso i tutti gli orientamenti sessuali. L'IDF rispetta la privacy dei soldati presenti nella fotografia e non rivela le loro identità. "La foto ha raccolto migliaia di "likes" su Facebook ed è stato commentata dal Ministero degli Esteri come prova della  tolleranza dell'esercito israeliano verso l'omosessualità.Il numero esatto di soldati gay e transgender è uno dei  segreti più protetti dall'esercito, secondo Chen Langer del Task Force LGBT. Ma mentre l'omosessualità tra i ranghi è ufficialmente accettata, l'esercito sembra rimanere sensibili all'orientamento sessuale dei funzionari di rango superiore.  Langer ha precisato che ci  sono pochi omosessuali nelle alte sfere delle forze armate.
2  Update. Earlier today we posted this photograph sent out by the Israel Defense Forces. Well it was staged and faked. From the Times of Israel:
A picture of two male Israeli soldiers holding hands, posted by Israel’s military spokesman and circulated widely on the web this week as part of gay pride month, was staged and is misleading, The Times of Israel established Tuesday.
The newly hip, multimedia-savvy IDF Spokesperson’s Office posted Monday on its Facebook page a photo of two ostensibly gay soldiers, one seeming to belong to the Givati Brigade and the other to the Artillery Corps, holding hands and walking on a city street.
In fact, the two soldiers in the photo are not a couple, only one of the two is gay, and both the soldiers serve in the IDF Spokesperson’s Office.
The picture appears to have been taken on Itamar Ben Avi street in Tel Aviv, around the corner from the Spokesperson’s Office headquarters.
This picture's up at Facebook, where the Israeli Defense Forces write:
It's Pride Month. Did you know that the IDF treats all of its soldiers equally? Let's see how many shares you can get for this photo.
UPDATE– Photo of two Israeli soldiers holding hands was faked
3     Israel was one of the first countries to abolish restrictions on openly gay soldiers serving in the military. In 1993 the country adopted a law that prohibits discrimination against gay forces, nearly 20 years ahead of the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" in the United States.
Yet despite the military's liberal policies, a 2011 study showed more than 40 percent of gay and lesbian soldiers in the IDF say they have been harassed because of their sexuality. According to Haaretz, 45 percent of respondents claimed homophobic remarks remained frequent, with soldiers in combat units reporting them more frequently.

 4  Uno spot : I would still like to think that this embarrassing photo was the initiative of foolish, low-ranking military officials, rather than a strategic decision made by the IDF spokesman himself. continua qui  


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