Hagar Sheza Video Shows Israeli Army Bulldozer Pushing Stones at Palestinian Protesters

Video Shows Israeli Army Bulldozer Pushing Stones at Palestinian Protesters
A video published Friday shows an Israeli army bulldozer driving at a high speed and pushing large rocks towards Palestinian protesters in the West Bank village of Kafr Qaddum, hitting one of the protesters with a stone.

Haaretz Weekly Ep. 63Haaretz
The stones pushed by the bulldozer were placed on the street by the protesters as part of the weekly demonstrations against the Israeli occupation. The Palestinians have been clashing with Israel Defense Forces soldiers during the protests, and the video, made up of three short clips, shows demonstrators hurling rocks at the bulldozer.The bulldozer stopped when a man was hit by one of the stones. The rocks continued tumbling towards protesters at the bottom of the street, and nearly hit a child.
The Palestinian hit by the stone was evacuated to a Qaliqilyah hospital by the Red Crescent.
Murad Shatawi, the father of the child at the scene, told Haaretz that the bulldozer continued advancing about a hundred meters from the place where the stones were laid, and drove exceptionally fast.The statement added that "Engineering tools were used to clear the stones from the road. While doing the clearing, mass stone-throwing took place."


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