Bradley Burston Lapiaga delle tenebre inflitta da Israele a Gaza è un atto di terrorismo

It's the worst thing Israel's done all year. It's a punishment which targets huge numbers of people who have committed no crime. We will not be forgiven for…

 Quando ero piccolo e  celebravo la Passover Seder o le dieci piaghe  di Egitto, provavo un profondo timore . Pensavo ai bambini egiziani che non potevano bere più acqua . Le punizioni  sono diventate sempre più terribili e i bambini hanno iniziato a morire


La settimana scorsa  Benjamin Netanyahu  ha discusso,approvandola ,  la  richiesta dell'Autorità palestinese di tagliare  notevolmente la quantità di energia elettrica che Israele fornisce al popolo della Striscia di Gaza.   Questo  avrebbe probabilmente portato a un disastro umanitario. Nei giorni più lunghi dell'anno, nel caldo soffocante dell'estate di Gaza, segnato dal  digiuno del Ramadan, dalla  fornitura elettrica nella Striscia già gravemente compromessa, da reparti ospedalieri al collasso, dagli impianti di dissalazione dell'acqua chiusi per mancanza di energia , dalle  acque reflue nelle strade e tra le case, i tagli a lunedì hanno significato che i residenti , che avevano solo   quattro ore di elettricità ogni 24 ore, avrebbero subito ulteriori restrizioni  Era la cosa peggiore che Israele potesse fare . La società elettrica Israel Electric ha ulteriormente ridotto l'elettricità . I nuovi tagli hanno lasciato la parte occidentale della città di Gaza e le zone della Strip settentrionale con solo due ore e mezzo o tre ore di elettricità al giorno. Israele accusa l' Autorità palestinese. Il PA afferma che Hamas è responsabile. : Israele ha fatto la propria scelta. Avrebbe potuto dire no all'Autorità palestinese . ma  ha detto sì. I più importanti generali del IDF hanno sottolineato che la decisione avrebbe potuto  scatenare l'escalation (Hamas ha effettivamente utilizzato il termine "un'esplosione")  Yisrael Katz, ministro del governo, ha dichiarato la scorsa settimana:  "Israele deve salvaguardare il proprio interesse 
Questo governo  considera così la propria base : persone che premiano la crudeltà fine a se stessa come negare l'acqua, l'elettricità, gli ospedali funzionanti a quasi due milioni di persone    ,lasciare centinaia di bambini morti per la  guerra -.
Questo governo considera la propria base razzista  agisce di conseguenza.Una base che vuole  sapere che il dito di Israele sul pulsante è quello medio. La riduzione dell'elettricità è originata da una feroce lotta politica tra l'Autorità palestinese e i  governanti di Hamas . L' autorità Palestinese  che ha costretto Israele a tagliare l'approvvigionamento elettrico, ha ridotto drammaticamente i pagamenti fondamentali per il sistema sanitario di Gaza. Tra i malati ci sono 321 pazienti con fibrosi cistica, la maggior parte dei quali bambini, i loro ventilatori sono ora bloccati dalla crisi elettrica , gli  antibiotici e gli altri farmaci  stanno  terminando  . La  mancanza di farmaci e di altri beni vitali compromette il trattamento di centinaia di pazienti affetti da tumore e di 240 neonati affetti da problemi di sviluppo.  Inoltre l'inquinamento dell Mediterraneo  provocato dalle  acque reflue non trattate  di Gaza  arriverà presto  ad  Ashkelon e in altre aree d'Israele e potrebbe causare epidemie a Gaza e in  Israele  come hanno  specificato il Ministro per la protezione ambientale  Yossi Inbar e la
   Radio dell'esercito. "Ci può essere anche l'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee, l'accumulo di acque reflue nelle strade può  causare il prolificare  di zanzare o di altri parassiti e la malattia può esplodere".
In tutta Israele la gente sta iniziando ad agire contro la decisione del governo. La scorsa settimana l'organizzazione Gisha ha inviato una lettera urgente all'avvocato generale Avichai Mandelblit, chiedendo di consigliare all'organo governativo di annullare la decisione di tagliare  la luce . La lettera è stata co-firmata da una vasta sezione di gruppi per i diritti umani:Adalah, HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, The Association for Civil Rights In Israel, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Zazim, Bimkom, Yesh Din, Amnesty International Israel, B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Haqel, Akevot, Ir Amim, Peace Now, and Rabbis for Human Rights Lunedì sulla spiaggia di Ashkelon  decine di attivisti israeliani, tra i quali i  residenti delle  aree adiacenti alla Striscia, hanno fatto volare 150 lanterne di carta nel cielo per mostrare solidarietà
l'Organizzazione per la Pace delle Donne ha dichiarato in merito a Gaza: "Questa pentola a pressione di milioni di persone in difficoltà e povertà estrema   e ora senza elettricità, esploderà . I nostri cuori sono con le madri, i figli, gli anziani e i giovani  Persone che vogliono vivere ".

  Il governo di Netanyahu  potrà incolpare  l'AP per questo o  Hamas., ma non saremo perdonati per questo. Non dobbiamo essere perdonati per questo,nè dobbiamo perdonarci .We have brought down on Gaza the plague of darkness.
Questa è una punizione che si riversa su milioni  di persone che non hanno commesso alcun crimine. Questo è un atto di terrorismo. Bradley Burston Corrispondente di Haaretz Potrebbe piacerti anche Per saperne di più:

When I was small and the Passover Seder hit the ten plagues, I remember exactly the feeling that came over me. It was throat-fist dread.

I remember thinking about kids in Egypt then. Asking why this night was different from all other nights, because they couldn't drink the water anymore.

And as the plagues got successively worse, as the punishments got serially more terrifying, there was no changing how it would turn out.

It got dark everywhere. And then children began to die.

Last week, discussing what Benjamin Netanyahu called an “internal Palestinian matter" - a request by the Palestinian Authority, part of the PA's campaign to erode Hamas rule in Gaza - the prime minister’s security cabinet voted to cut significantly the amount of vital electric power that Israel supplies to the people of the Gaza Strip.

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The cabinet did so knowing that the step was liable to spur escalation toward war with Hamas. It did so knowing that even if escalation did not occur, the Gaza Electricity Authority had warned that reducing the power supply to the Strip any further would likely lead to a humanitarian disaster.

On Monday, Israel hit the kill switch.

On the longest days of the year, in the choking heat of the Gaza summer, with days still to go on the sunrise-to-sundown fast of Ramadan, with the power supply in the Strip already severely compromised, with hospital wards and drinking-water desalination plants already closed down for lack of power, with raw sewage running in the streets and between houses, the cuts on Monday meant that Gazans, who were already somehow making do with only four hours of electricity every 24 hours, would have their power shut down for an additional 45 minutes a day.

It was the worst thing Israel's done all year. On Tuesday it got worse.

The Israel Electric Corporation cut power even further, Gaza's electricity authority announced on Tuesday. The new cuts left the western part of Gaza City and areas in the northern Strip with just two and a half to three hours of electricity per day.

For its part, Israel sloughs blame over the cuts onto the Palestinian Authority. The PA says Hamas is responsible.

But everyone knows this: Israel made its own choice. It could have said no to the PA. Israel said yes. The IDF's top generals have noted that the decision could spark escalation (Hamas actually used the term "an explosion"), but, as an Israeli official was quoted as saying, the army recommended against leniency toward Hamas. In any case, senior cabinet minister Yisrael Katz said last week with regard to the power cuts, "First and foremost the Israeli interest should be protected."

So there we are. This is how this government views its own base: people who prize cruelty for its own sake. People who believe that whatever it may be, denying them water, electricity, functioning hospitals – even leaving hundreds children dead in the course of a war - all of the 1.9 million people of Gaza have it coming to them.

This government views its own base as callous, hot-blooded racists. And it acts accordingly. It wants us to know that Israel's finger on the button is the middle one. It sees itself as government of the scum, by the scum, for the scum.   

The reduction in electricity has its origins in a fierce political struggle between the Palestinian Authority and Gaza's Hamas rulers. It comes at a time when the PA, which pressed Israel to cut the electricity supply, has also dramatically curtailed vital payments to Gaza's health system.

As a result, according to figures compiled by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and the Palestinian Health Ministry, shortages in medical equipment and medications, compounded by the power shortages, are gravely affecting a range of Gazans with serious medical conditions.

Among them are 321 cystic fibrosis patients, most of them children, whose ventilators have been shut down by the electricity crisis and whose antibiotics and other medications are in short supply or unavailable.

Lack of medications and other vital goods are also said to be compromising the treatment of  hundreds of cancer patients, and also of 240 babies suffering from developmental problems.

If all that were not bad enough, there are strong indications that the serious water pollution resulting from untreated Gaza sewage pouring into the Mediterranean, will soon also foul the water in Ashkelon and other areas of Israel, and could cause outbreaks of disease in Gaza and Israel both.

"The moment that there's a power outage in Gaza, there's no sewage treatment," former Israeli Environmental Protection Ministry director-general Yossi Inbar warned on Tuesday, "and raw sewage which flows into the sea will move northward, because the current goes from south to north."

"Beyond the fact that the water will be polluted and we will not be able to swim, it's also liable to shut down an [Ashkelon-area] desalination plant which is close to the border," Inbar, arguing against the power supply shut-down, told .Army Radio "There may also be pollution of ground water, accumulation of sewage in the streets or 'lakes' of one sort or another are liable to bring about dangers of mosquitoes or other pests, and disease may break out."

The border between Gaza and Israel is virtual and of no significance where the sea is concerned, Inbar continued, and the pollution could reach Ashkelon and then Ashdod-area beaches very soon. He noted that the power outage which was already denying tap water to Gazans could affect Israel's water supply as well. "Beyond the suffering of the residents of the Gaza Strip, diseases and stench will also come to us."

"The fish in the Nile will die," the Book of Exodus says of the first plague, "and the river will stink and the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water."

Across Israel, people are beginning to take action against the government's decision. Last week, the Gisha organization, an NGO which concentrates on Gaza, initiated an urgent letter to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, demanding that he advise the cabinet to rescind the decision to cut power.

The letter was co-signed by a large cross-section of human rights groups: Adalah, HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, The Association for Civil Rights In Israel, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Zazim, Bimkom, Yesh Din, Amnesty International Israel, B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence

On Monday on the beach at Ashkelon, dozens of Israeli activists, among them residents of areas adjacent to the Strip, released 150 paper lanterns into the sky to show solidarity with Gazans suffering under the cuts.

On Tuesday, the Women Wage Peace organization stated with regard to Gaza, "This pressure cooker of millions of people in dire straits, poverty, and now without electricity will explode. Our hearts are with the mothers, children, elderly, and youth - with people who want to live."

As for the Netanyahu government, it can go on blaming the PA for this. Or it can blame Hamas. But we will not be forgiven for this. Nor should we be.

Nor should we forgive ourselves. We have brought down on Gaza the plague of darkness.

This is a punishment which targets huge numbers of people who have committed no crime. This is an act of terrorism.

Bradley Burston

Haaretz Correspondent

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Bradley Burston

Haaretz Correspondent
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