Richard Silverstein : minore palestinese condannato a 12 anni per attacco con coltello

 Sintesi personale

Ahmed Manasra

Ahmed Manasra, il ragazzo palestinese condannato per aver ferito un ragazzo israeliano nel 2015 a Pisgat Zeev, REUTERS / Ammar Awad

Oggi, il sistema di giustizia israeliano ha commesso l'ennesima atrocità in nome della sicurezza nazionale.Ha ' condannato Ahmed Manasra,  residente a Gerusalemme Est, che aveva 13 anni quando ha aggredito e ferito due israeliani l'anno scorso, a 12 anni di carcere.  Al momento dell'attacco, avendo 13 anni, secondo la legge israeliana avrebbe dovuto essere condannato come minore e , conseguentemente, non  detenuto in un  carcere per adulti. La legge per i minori  accusati di crimini deve puntare alla riabilitazione, non alla punizione. Chiaramente, vi è solo punizione in questo caso.
Vi è inoltre razzismo  Due giovani israeliani avevano 14 anni quando hanno ucciso un tassista israeliano . La loro condanna? 16 anni di carcere per  omicidio. La differenza? Questi minori erano assassini ebrei.
Manasra foto
Questa  foto ha violato la legge israeliana sulla  privacy 
La legge israeliana afferma che le identità dei minori accusati di crimini deve restare segreta e non può essere rivelata dai media. In questo caso, il primo ministro  ha diffuso il nome del ragazzo mentre era ancora in ospedale, Era stato ferito gravemente   da civili israeliani che avevano cercato di ucciderlo. In ospedale era incatenato al letto come un animale selvaggio, violando così scandalosamente  l' etica medica.
I medici israeliani, intervenuti sulla scena dell'attacco, si sono rifiutati di curare  Ahmed. Un video lo ritrae  mentre si contorce per il dolore. Il cugino di Ahmed, che aveva partecipato  all' attacco è stato deliberatamente colpito  mentre cercava di fuggire dalla scena.
Dopo l'arresto di Manasra, la Knesset ha cambiato la legge per quanto riguarda i minori accusati di crimini e  ha autorizzato  la detenzione per i minori al di sotto dei 14 anni ,ma non vi è alcuna disposizione  che renda retroattiva tale legge
Una corte d'appello dovrà ora decidere se la legge possa essere applicata  retroattivamente. Senza dubbio i giudici israeliani troveranno un modo per adeguarsi al sentire della maggioranza degli Israeliani  che  vuole che  l'adolescente  sia trattato come  un killer spetato  .
Ehud Barak  coniò la frase:  Israele è "una villa nella giungla." In questo caso Israele non è una villa. E 'la giungla.La notizia riportata dall'agenzia di stampa   Reuters , evidenzia come si privilegi la  propaganda di stato  nell'informazione  senza alcun tentativo di svolgere una  ricerca.
The Fraud That is Israeli Justice: Palestinian Minor Sentenced to 12 Years for Knife Attack

ahmed manasra

Ahmed Manasra, a 14-year old Palestinian, convicted of wounding an Israeli boy in 2015 in Pisgat Zeev, built on occupied land that Israel annexed to Jerusalem after the 1967 war, leaves after sentencing at the district court in Jerusalem November 7, 2016. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
Today, the Israeli justice system committed yet another atrocity in the name of national security.  It sentenced Ahmed Manasra, an East Jerusalem resident who was 13 years old when he attacked and wounded two Israelis last year, to 12 years in prison.  The sentence is a blatant fraud in multiple ways.  At the time of the attack, Israeli law did not permit giving minors sentences as adults.  Ahmed should have been sentenced as a juvenile, meaning he could not be sent to an adult prison.  In fact, under the law at the time of his crime, a minor could not be sentenced to prison at all for the offense he committed.  The law regarding children accused of crimes said the emphasis must be on rehabilitation, not punishment.  Clearly, there is only punishment in this sentence.
There is further racism in the sentence itself.  Two Israeli youth were 14 years old when they murdered an Israeli taxi driver.  Their sentence? 16 years in prison. For MURDER.  The difference?  These minors were a higher class of criminal: they were Jewish murderers.
manasra photo

This is a photo which violated Israeli law and Manasra’s privacy as a minor.
Israeli law says that the identities of minors accused of crimes is secret.  It may not be revealed via the media or any other fashion.  In this case, the prime minister exposed the boy’s name while he was still in the hospital recuperating from near fatal wounds struck by Israeli civilians who tried to kill him.  It aired a slideshow of him in the hospital which identified him: two absolutely forbidden invasions of privacy.  In the hospital, he was chained to his bed like a wild animal.  All of these are also absolutely violations of hospital policy and betrayed their patient in ways that are outrageous breaches of medical ethics.
Israeli medics who attended the Israeli civilians wounded at the scene refused to treat Ahmed, who can be seen in a video writhing in pain and looking near death.  Ahmed’s cousin, who participated in the attack was deliberately struck by an Israeli driver and as he attempted to flee the scene.
After Manasra’s arrest, the Knesset changed the law concerning minors accused of crimes and permitted charging children younger than 14 as adults.  But there is no provision in the law for it to be retroactive.  How can you charge someone with an adult offense when the law at the time of the crime explicitly prohibited jailing the suspect?  Further, this 14-year-old boy will be sent to an adult prison, a blatant violation of all decency.  Undoubtedly, it will turn him into a martyr for the Palestinian cause and a hardened militant by the time he’s released.  You can expect any number of his relatives to offer their own lives to avenge this travesty of injustice.
An appeals court will now have to decide if the law can applied retroactively.  Undoubtedly, Israeli judges will find a way to further prostitute justice in order to treat Manasra the way the vast majority of Israelis want him treated: as a cold-blooded killer (which he was not).
Ehud Barak once (in)famously said that Israel was “a villa in the jungle.”  In this case, Israel isn’t a villa.  It is the jungle.
Thanks to Israeli family law attorney, Yossi Nakar, who’s been my guide to Israeli child welfare law and regulations.  If there are any imperfections in this analysis, they are mine, not his.
Note in the Reuters story above how little of the background of this case which I’ve offered here is included.  It is regurgitated state propaganda without any attempt to do any reporting or research.



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