Israele: Nel Parlamento europeo un gruppo pro insediamenti e contro il BDS

 Sintesi personale

Presto un intergruppo ufficiale di amici  degli insediamenti in Cisgiordania  si costituirà all'interno d  del Parlamento europeo ,  vi aderiscono  più di dieci membri del Parlamento europeo (MEP) provenienti da diversi paesi   guidati dal  ceco Petr Mach (Europa della Libertà e della Democrazia
Il "gruppo di amici"  comincerà a lavorare  a  settembre con l'obiettivo  di opporsi alla marcatura dei  prodotti  provenienti  dalla Cisgiordania e al movimento BDS in generale. Negli ultimi tre anni, il Consiglio regionale della Samaria ha ospitato circa 150 parlamentari di tutto il mondo e circa 300 giornalisti stranieri. Mach ha affermato che il popolo ceco ha sempre sostenuto lo Stato ebraico.

Czech MEP Petr Mach intends to establish the first official intergroup to support West Bank settlements and, inter alia, combat BDS in the European Parliament
Czech MEP Petr Mach intends to establish the first official intergroup to support West Bank settlements and, inter alia, combat BDS in the European Parliament
Soon, an official intergroup of friends the West Bank in the European Parliament will come into being for the first time. The intergroup, a form of caucus, will be composed of more than ten members of European Parliament (MEPs) from several countries, headed by Czech MEP Petr Mach (Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group).

The parliamentarian met on Wednesday with Samaria Regional Council Chairman Yossi Dagan in Prague to formalize the intergroup's formation.

In the past, officials from the regional council have held meetings in the European Parliament, and they have even been partners in organizing a conference there, but there has never been an official intergroup supporting settlements in the West Bank.

Yossi Dagan and Petr Mach

The "group of friends," as Mach called it, will begin working when the European Parliament returns from its summer recess in September. One of its goals will be to oppose marking products from the West Bank and the BDS movement in general.
European Parliament (Photo: Michael Zeff/TPS)

Over the past three year, the Samaria Regional Council has hosted some 150 parliamentarians from all over the world and some 300 foreign journalists. This is how the connection was made to Mach, who visited the area in one of these group tours.
Mach claimed that Czechia has been friendly to Israel since its creation, maintaining that, despite changing governmental positions, the Czech people have always supported the Jewish State.


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