Tel Aviv: migliaia di ebrei e arabi israeliani in piazza contro la politica della destra

Migliaia di ebrei e arabi israeliani  hanno protestato per le strade di Tel Aviv ieri sera  . Hanno espresso un deciso  dissenso per la politica del governo. Vogliono uguaglianza,  vogliono vivere insieme in pace . Costituiscono  una vera opposizione. Non permettere  che qualcuno   dica il contrario. C'e' una vasta area  di persone in Israele che denuncia il razzismo,l'occupazione  e ,  insieme, con convinzione,  vogliono vincere la destra.

Sintesi personale

Circa 2.000 israeliani arabi ed ebrei marzo a Tel Aviv contro la politica di destra del paese, il 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /

Circa 2.000 israeliani arabi ed ebrei a Tel Aviv contro la politica di destra del paese, il 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /
Duemila ebrei e arabi  hanno protestato  contro governo sempre più di destra di Israele  nel centro  di Tel Aviv  Lo slogan :  "resistenza costruttiva ,  costruzione di una opposizione,  costruzione di un altro percorso per Israele".
Per la prima volta hanno  parlato insieme   Ayman Odeh e Meretz , sottolineando  la necessità di una risposta arabo-ebraica congiunta alla  politica radicale della  destra israeliana . Odeh ha detto : " vi è un'area  nazionalista e un' area  sionista- Abbiamo bisogno di creare un ' area democratica."
Hadash presidente Ayman Odeh (a sinistra) e Meretz presidente Zehava Galon parlano alla protesta di sinistra a Tel Aviv, 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /

Ayman Odeh (a sinistra) e   Zehava Galon  28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /
La marcia si fermò di fronte alla sede del governo Likud partito su King George St. a Tel Aviv, 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /

La marcia  si ferma di fronte alla sede del governo  della Likud. (Oren Ziv /
  Tamar Zandberg ha spiegato, "stiamo costruendo un'opposizione contro il governo, ma anche contro alcuni membri  dell' opposizione che hanno dimenticato  il loro ruolo. "
I membri della Knesset :  Yousef Jabareen, Michal Rozin, Dov Khenin , Ilan Gil-On, e Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf hanno partecipato alla manifestazione.
 Tutto questo ha scatenato la tesi nei partiti che la protesta potrebbe segnare l'inizio di una più ampia cooperazione tra il Meretz e Hadash   in vista delle prossime elezioni.
Gli israeliani arabi ed ebrei sfilano per Tel Aviv contro la politica di destra del paese, il 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /

Israeliani arabi ed ebrei   al centro  di Tel Aviv, per protestare contro la politica di destra del paese, il 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /
Una fonte di Hadash, che ha chiesto di non essere nominata, ha dichiarato che , in risposta al  crescenti razzismo israeliano ,  si è deciso di rafforzare la cooperazione arabo-ebraica tra Meretz e la lista comune araba . L'intenzione, la fonte del partito ha aggiunto, è quella di rafforzare il lavoro di collaborazione nella Knesset e di intensificare la partecipazione alle manifestazioni di  protesta a Tel Aviv   e  in Cisgiordania contro l'occupazione- Ha negato , tuttavia, qualsiasi intenzione di alterare i blocchi elettorali attuali.
La protesta a Tel Aviv è stata organizzata da "Standing Together" e " Peace Now "
Gli israeliani arabi ed ebrei sfilano per Tel Aviv contro la politica di destra del paese, il 28 maggio 2016. (Oren Ziv /

Hanno partecipato alla  protesta   gli  obiettori di coscienza Aiden Katri   e Tair Kaminer,

Left-wing Jewish and Arab parties come together to protest the rightward shift of Israel’s already far-right government. ‘We’re first and foremost against the…

WATCH: Thousands of Israelis demand opposition to right-wing gov't

Left-wing Jewish and Arab parties come together to protest the rightward shift of Israel’s already far-right government. ‘We’re first and foremost against the government but there are also certain people in the opposition who forgot what their role is,’ Zandberg says.
Some 2,000 Arab and Jewish Israelis march through Tel Aviv against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Some 2,000 Arab and Jewish Israelis march through Tel Aviv against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Two thousand Jews and Arabs protesting Israel’s increasingly right-wing government marched through central Tel Aviv Saturday night under the banner, “building resistance, building an opposition, building another path for Israel.”
Marching and delivering speeches together for the first time since elections last year were Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh and Meretz Chairwoman Zehava Galon. Both of their speeches emphasized the need for a joint Jewish-Arab response to the radical right-wing politics dominant in Israel today. Odeh went as far as saying that “there is a nationalist camp, there is a Zionist camp, and we need to create a democratic camp.”
Hadash chairman Ayman Odeh (left) and Meretz chairwoman Zehava Galon speak at the left-wing protest in Tel Aviv, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Hadash chairman Ayman Odeh (left) and Meretz chairwoman Zehava Galon speak at the left-wing protest in Tel Aviv, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
The march stopped in front of the ruling Likud party's headquarters on King George St. in Tel Aviv, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
The march stopped in front of the ruling Likud party’s headquarters on King George St. in Tel Aviv, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Speaking with +972’s Hebrew-language sister site, Local Call, Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg explained, “we’re building an opposition, first and foremost against the government but we also oppose certain actors in the opposition who have forgotten what their role is.”
Members of Knesset Yousef Jabareen, Michal Rozin, Dov Khenin, Ilan Gil-On, and Abdullah Abu Ma’aruf also participated in the rally.
The following is a live video feed I broadcasted from the protest:

The makeup of the political parties represented and the rhetoric used Saturday night sparked speculation that the protest could signal the start to broader cooperation between Meretz and Hadash, the latter of which is one of several parties that comprise the Joint List.
In one such analysis, put forward by Local Call co-editor Yael Marom, the two parties might be laying the foundations for a united front ahead of the next elections. During the previous election cycle, Hadash MK Dov Khenin spoke about building “a broad democratic camp.”
Arab and Jewish Israelis march through Tel Aviv against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Arab and Jewish Israelis under Tel Aviv’s Dizengoff Center, protesting against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
A source in Hadash, who asked not to be named, later said that in response to the growing racism and far-right politics in Israel that it was decided to strengthen Arab-Jewish cooperation between Meretz and the Joint List. The intention, the party source added, is to strengthen the collaborative work in the Knesset and to step up activities on the street, like the protest in Tel Aviv and monthly anti-occupation marches in the West Bank. However, the party source denied any intention of altering the current electoral blocs.
The protest in Tel Aviv was organized by “Standing Together” and “Peace Now,” and was put together in response to the appointment of Avigdor Liberman as defense minister, which pushes the current far right-wing government even further rightward.
Arab and Jewish Israelis march through Tel Aviv against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Left-wing Arab and Jewish Israelis march through Tel Aviv against the country’s right-wing politics, May 28, 2016. (Oren Ziv/
Also attending the protest were conscientious objectors Aiden Katri, who was released from military service recently after several short stints in prison, and Tair Kaminer, who is currently in between prison sentences, and recently broke the record for longest imprisonment for a female conscientious objector.
A version of this article was first published in Hebr


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