Solidarietà delle organizzazioni civili israeliane per gli attacchi ad Al-Haq e alle organizzazioni palestinesi

Le organizzazioni della società civile israeliana condannano nei termini più forti possibili i continui attacchi anonimi contro le organizzazioni palestinesi per i diritti umani  e più recentemente contro Al-Haq  sottoposto a una  crescente pressione :  e-mail anonime al personale e ai  donatori  che citano  indagini antifrode inesistenti,  minacce di morte a un membro del personale e al suo direttore generale, Shawan Jabarin. Queste minacce più recenti sono collegate direttamente al lavoro  di Al-Haq  per l a Corte penale internazionale dell'Aia.
Questi inquietanti attacchi contro vari gruppi e attivisti sono chiaramente finalizzati a minare il loro lavoro e la  loro  credibilità. Essi vengono effettuate per  danneggiare la legittimità e gli sforzi di tutti coloro che si battono contro l'occupazione .
Chiediamo alle autorità competenti di individuare le fonti di queste minacce e consegnarle alla giustizia. La caccia alle streghe che mira ad intimidire e indebolire noi non avrà successo. Insieme siamo determinati a continuare a esporre le violazioni quotidiane che derivano dall'occupazione.
ACRI (Association for Civil Rights in Israel), Adalah, Akevot, Bimkom, B'Tselem -The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, Coalition of Women for Peace, Gisha, Hamoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Human Rights Defenders Fund, Kav LaOved, Machsom Watch, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, the Public Committee Against

 Statement of Solidarity: Israeli human rights and civil society organizations condemn attacks against Al-Haq

15 Mar 2016
Israeli human rights and civil society organizations condemn in the strongest possible terms the ongoing anonymous attacks against Palestinian human rights organizations, and most recently against Al-Haq. As Israeli organizations, we express our solidarity with our Palestinian counterparts. Al-Haq has indeed been faced with increasing pressure, which started with anonymous emails to staff and donors, citing non-existent fraud investigations, continued with daily calls from blocked numbers meant to intimidate the staff, and culminated in death threats to a staff member and to its General Director, Shawan Jabarin. These recent threats were directly connected to Al-Haq's ongoing work before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
These disturbing intimidation attacks against various groups and activists are clearly aimed at undermining their work and credibility. They are carried out against the backdrop of recurring attempts to undermine and harm the legitimacy and the efforts of all those who are fighting against the occupation.
We call upon the relevant authorities to identify the sources of these threats and bring them to justice. The continuous witch hunt that aims at intimidating and weakening us will not succeed. Together, we are determined to continue exposing the daily violations that stem from the occupation.
ACRI (Association for Civil Rights in Israel), Adalah, Akevot, Bimkom, B'Tselem -The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, Coalition of Women for Peace, Gisha, Hamoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Human Rights Defenders Fund, Kav LaOved, Machsom Watch, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, the Public Committee Against

"Covert campaign" targets Al-Haq, the Palestinian legal group which has scored successes in efforts to hold Israel accountable.


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