Richard Silverstein : Un altro assassinio del Mossad, questa volta in Bulgaria
האם אסף יריב (בכיר שב"כ ש"הושאל" למוסד) קשור להתנקשות במבוקש הפלסטיני בסופיה
are only a few things the Mossad is "good" at. And killing is the
primary one. They don't do much that's constructive. They don't make
the world better or safer for Israel. They don't br|Di Richard Silverstein
Sintesi personale
Quale vantaggio ne trae Israele ad uccidere un uomo disarmato ( Telegraph e Ynet ) che ha lasciato la militanza molto tempo fa e stava lavorando come proprietario di un negozio in un paese straniero ?
Nel 1986 tre palestinesi uccisero uno studente yeshiva. Sono stati catturati e processati e condannati all'ergastolo (ebraico), dove due di loro sono rimasti fino a quando non sono stati liberati nello scambio con Shalit. Omar Zaid è fuggito dopo quattro anni di carcere, mentre era ricoverato in un ospedale durante uno sciopero della fame.Si è rifugiato Bulgaria dove si è sposato . Aveva tre bambini e cercava di vivere una vita normale .
Lo scorso 'anno Israele ha emesso un mandato di estradizione per il suo arresto. Lui ha abbandonato la sua famiglia e si è rifugiato nell' ambasciata palestinese . Per qualsiasi paese normale aderente al principio di legalità, un'ambasciata straniera è un territorio sovrano che non deve essere violato,ma
Israele non è un paese normale. .La legge esiste solo quando conviene agli interessi di Israele. Secondo numerose fonti israeliane il Mossad ha assassinato Zaid per vendetta .
Come facciamo a sapere che Israele lo ha fatto? Perché il corrispondente militare del canale TV israelianio 1 ha aperto la sua relazione dicendo: "Giustizia è stata fatta, anche se molto in ritardo". Israel Hayom ha scritto "un misterioso assassinio" (non un "omicidio"). Maariv : "il conto è stato chiuso dopo 30 anni."
Kol Yisrael, la radio di Stato israeliana, ha citato una fonte di intelligence che ha fatto questa dichiarazione contraddittoria:
Il primo ministro della Bulgaria era in visita in Israele poche ore prima dell'assassinio avvenuto solo cinque ore dopo che il suo aereo aveva lasciato Ben Gurion , secondo questo Tweet (vedi display) di un giornalista di Haaretz il cui hobby ,piuttosto insolito, è il monitoraggio del traffico aereo internazionale:
Si tratta di un modello familiare a coloro che seguono le operazioni del Mossad. Ciò è accaduto nel caso di Dirar Abusisi, quando funzionari di alto livello della sicurezza ucraina, collusi con agenti del Mossad all'interno del paese, ne permisero il rapimento . La ricompensa? Il primo ministro ucraino e Israele hanno avuto negoziati commerciali e turistici internazionali poco dopo.
Allo stesso modo è probabile che nei prossimi mesi Israele e la Bulgaria avranno negoziati sul commercio, sul turismo o sulle armi .
Come l'Ucraina, la Bulgaria è un paese profondamente corrotto. E 'anche possibile che qualcuno all'interno dell'ambasciata sia stato pagato per offrire tale accesso.
Non commettiamo errori: anche Israele è un paese corrotto che ignora i protocolli diplomatici e il diritto internazionale.
Ynet indica che il caso di Zaid è stato discusso con il leader bulgaro durante i suoi colloqui con Netanyahu. Il bulgaro avrebbe detto a Bibi che il suo Paese deve rispettare la legge e lo stato di diritto Questo rifiuto a quanto pare ha dato il via libera per l'assassinio.
A che scopo è stato ucciso Zaid, chiedo ancora una volta? Era un genio del terrore? Era importante come un altro palestinese assassinato dal Mossad, Mahmoud al Mabouh ? No, non contava nulla Sì, ha ucciso un israeliano,ma centinaia di prigionieri palestinesi che hanno ucciso israeliani sono stati liberati nello scambio di prigionieri Israele voleva questo uomo perché era fuggito alla giustizia e aveva bisogno di una lezione Che eroi . Hanno ucciso un uomo disarmato, poi gettato il suo corpo in strada. Un atto eroico che rende la nazione orgogliosa!
La Likud otterrà qualche voto alle prossime elezioni perché uccidere i palestinesi è un buon affare per i politici israeliani
are only a few things the Mossad is “good” at. And killing is the
primary one. They don’t do much that’s constructive. They don’t make
the world better or safer for Israel. They don’t bring peace. They
don’t persuade people to compromise.
They kill. They cheat. They steal. They’re good at all those things. But how do those things do anything to help Israel in the long-term? They don’t.
Yeah, they take out an enemy. But only to see a stronger, more formidable enemy replace the one they murdered. Often, as in tonight’s case, they get revenge on someone who last posed any danger to any Israeli decades ago. So what benefit is it to Israel to murder an unarmed man (story in Telegraph and Ynet) who left militancy long ago and was eking out a life as a shop owner in a foreign country to which he’d fled so long ago?
A little background: in 1986, three Palestinians killed a yeshiva student. They were caught and tried. They saved the State of Israel a great deal of legal effort and funds by confessing to the crime and not putting up a defense. They were sentenced to life in prison (Hebrew), where two of them remained until they were freed in the Shalit prisoner exchange. But the third, Omar Zaid, escaped after four years in prison while hospitalized during a hunger strike. He eventually made his way abroad to Bulgaria. There he met a Bulgarian woman, settled down, had a family including three children, and tried to live as normal a life as possible.
But last year, Israel filed an extradition warrant for his arrest. In response, he abandoned his family and escaped once again to the Palestinian embassy in Belgrade, where he was given refuge. To any normal country adhering to the rule of law, a foreign embassy is sovereign territory not to be violated. That’s how Julian Assange escaped to the Ecuadorean embassy in London. You don’t see MI5 sneaking into the embassy to liquidate him. If it did, there would be a massive uproar. Intelligence chiefs would be fired. Prime ministers would resign.
In Israel, they give you a medal and make you Mossad chief. Because Israel isn’t a normal country. It thumbs its nose at international law. Law exists only when it’s convenient to Israeli interests. When it’s not, it doesn’t. So, according to numerous Israeli sources, the Mossad, in an act of retribution, has assassinated Zaid.
Mossad Did It
How do we know Israel did it? Because Israeli TV Channel 1’s military correspondent opened his report by saying: “Justice was done, even if very late.” Bibiton (Israel HaYom) called it “a mysterious assassination” (not “murder”) in its lead headline. Maariv says “the account was closed after 30 years.”
Kol Yisrael, Israeli State radio, quoted an intelligence source who made this contradictory statement:
Bulgarian Collusion in the Hit
There is more irony to note here. Bulgaria’s prime minister was visiting Israel until a few hours before the hit. It happened only five hours after his plane left Ben Gurion according to this tweet (see display) from a Haaretz journalist whose rather unusual hobby is tracking international air traffic:
This is a pattern familiar to those who follow Mossad operations. When Israel wants to kill or capture someone abroad they go as high up the food chain as they can. They buy off the political echelon and especially the security services. This happened in the case of Dirar Abusisi, when high-level Ukrainian security officials colluded with Mossad agents inside the country to kidnap him and spirit him out of the country to face bogus charges in Israel. The reward? Ukraine’s prime minister won premium concessions from Israel in international trade and tourism talks which followed shortly afterward.
Similarly, you will find in the coming months that Israel and Bulgaria have negotiated trade, tourism or arms deals of great benefit to Bulgaria. Mark my words.
Like Ukraine, Bulgaria is a deeply corrupt country in which every politician and security official has a price. For an assassin to gain access to the Palestinian embassy would be relatively easy in that case. It’s even possible that someone inside the embassy was paid off to offer such access.
But when a stronger country exploits the corruption of a weaker one it is the stronger country that carries the greater burden of guilt. Make no mistake: Israel too is a corrupt country. Not just for buying off foreign leaders to execute their plots, but for ignoring diplomatic protocol and international law.
Ynet indicates that Zaid’s case was discussed with the Bulgarian leader during his talks with Netanyahu. The Bulgarian allegedly told Bibi that he must respect the law:
To what purpose was Zaid killed, I ask again? Was he a mastermind of terror? Was he even as important as another Palestinian assassinated by the Mossad, Mahmoud al Mabouh? No, this guy was a nebech. A nobody. Yes, he murdered an Israeli. But hundreds of Palestinian prisoners who murdered Israelis have been freed in prisoner exchanges (including his two co-conspirators). Israel wanted this man because he was the one who got away. He escaped justice by fleeing. So he needed to be taught a lesson.
So what? What good is the lesson? How does it help anything or anyone? It puts a feather in the cap of a few Kidon agents who offed him. It gives Bibi & Bogie something to share a schnapps over in celebration. It gives Israeli leaders a few sound bytes and Cheshire grins which they break out when reporters challenge them to take responsibility for the crime.
What heroes those Mossad assassins are! They killed an unarmed man, then threw his body into the street. A heroic deed which does the nation proud!
In the scheme of things what does it really do? Nothing. It’s an empty gesture. It wins the Likud a few votes in the next election because killing Palestinians is good business for Israeli politicians. Killing one is good. Killing 2,300 as the IDF did two summers ago is even better. As long as Israel keeps killing Palestinians the Likud will win elections. Perhaps forever, or until the Messiah comes. Or maybe until a general or prime minister is dragged into the dock at the Hague.
Lo scorso 'anno Israele ha emesso un mandato di estradizione per il suo arresto. Lui ha abbandonato la sua famiglia e si è rifugiato nell' ambasciata palestinese . Per qualsiasi paese normale aderente al principio di legalità, un'ambasciata straniera è un territorio sovrano che non deve essere violato,ma
Israele non è un paese normale. .La legge esiste solo quando conviene agli interessi di Israele. Secondo numerose fonti israeliane il Mossad ha assassinato Zaid per vendetta .
Come facciamo a sapere che Israele lo ha fatto? Perché il corrispondente militare del canale TV israelianio 1 ha aperto la sua relazione dicendo: "Giustizia è stata fatta, anche se molto in ritardo". Israel Hayom ha scritto "un misterioso assassinio" (non un "omicidio"). Maariv : "il conto è stato chiuso dopo 30 anni."
Kol Yisrael, la radio di Stato israeliana, ha citato una fonte di intelligence che ha fatto questa dichiarazione contraddittoria:
Israele non sta rispondendo alla richiesta palestinese di specificare se il Mossad ha
ucciso l'uomo del Fronte Popolare a Sofia ... Tuttavia, una fonte della
sicurezza ha dichiarato che non è interesse di Israele colpire un vecchio terrorista, soprattutto se si tratta di un notevole esborso di risorse e se pone eventualmente in pericolo gli agenti .inoltre l'uccisione non è stata eseguita in modo molto professionale.
Leggendo tra le righe si capisce che uccidere Zaid non era un compito particolarmente difficile. C'erano segni di violenza sul suo cadavere che dimostrano che è stato picchiato e poi gettato
da una finestra dell'ambasciata
? האם אסף יריב (בכיר שב"כ ש"הושאל "למוסד) קשור להתנקשות במבוקש הפלסטיני בסופיה
Una fonte della sicurezza ha rifiutato di commentare l'accaduto dicendo , tra il serio e il faceto che si doveva consultare Assaf Yariv .
Per spiegare la battuta è necessario sapere che Yariv era l'altro
candidato in lizza per il posto di capo Shabak . E' stato scelto
Nadav Argaman. I media israeliani hanno riferito che Yariv era "in prestito" presso il Mossad.
In altre parole poteva consultare i fascicoli sui latitanti
palestinesi , utilizzare tutte le conoscenze e le informazioni Il primo ministro della Bulgaria era in visita in Israele poche ore prima dell'assassinio avvenuto solo cinque ore dopo che il suo aereo aveva lasciato Ben Gurion , secondo questo Tweet (vedi display) di un giornalista di Haaretz il cui hobby ,piuttosto insolito, è il monitoraggio del traffico aereo internazionale:
Si tratta di un modello familiare a coloro che seguono le operazioni del Mossad. Ciò è accaduto nel caso di Dirar Abusisi, quando funzionari di alto livello della sicurezza ucraina, collusi con agenti del Mossad all'interno del paese, ne permisero il rapimento . La ricompensa? Il primo ministro ucraino e Israele hanno avuto negoziati commerciali e turistici internazionali poco dopo.
Allo stesso modo è probabile che nei prossimi mesi Israele e la Bulgaria avranno negoziati sul commercio, sul turismo o sulle armi .
Come l'Ucraina, la Bulgaria è un paese profondamente corrotto. E 'anche possibile che qualcuno all'interno dell'ambasciata sia stato pagato per offrire tale accesso.
Non commettiamo errori: anche Israele è un paese corrotto che ignora i protocolli diplomatici e il diritto internazionale.
Ynet indica che il caso di Zaid è stato discusso con il leader bulgaro durante i suoi colloqui con Netanyahu. Il bulgaro avrebbe detto a Bibi che il suo Paese deve rispettare la legge e lo stato di diritto Questo rifiuto a quanto pare ha dato il via libera per l'assassinio.
A che scopo è stato ucciso Zaid, chiedo ancora una volta? Era un genio del terrore? Era importante come un altro palestinese assassinato dal Mossad, Mahmoud al Mabouh ? No, non contava nulla Sì, ha ucciso un israeliano,ma centinaia di prigionieri palestinesi che hanno ucciso israeliani sono stati liberati nello scambio di prigionieri Israele voleva questo uomo perché era fuggito alla giustizia e aveva bisogno di una lezione Che eroi . Hanno ucciso un uomo disarmato, poi gettato il suo corpo in strada. Un atto eroico che rende la nazione orgogliosa!
La Likud otterrà qualche voto alle prossime elezioni perché uccidere i palestinesi è un buon affare per i politici israeliani
Another Mossad Assassination, This Time in Bulgaria
They kill. They cheat. They steal. They’re good at all those things. But how do those things do anything to help Israel in the long-term? They don’t.
Yeah, they take out an enemy. But only to see a stronger, more formidable enemy replace the one they murdered. Often, as in tonight’s case, they get revenge on someone who last posed any danger to any Israeli decades ago. So what benefit is it to Israel to murder an unarmed man (story in Telegraph and Ynet) who left militancy long ago and was eking out a life as a shop owner in a foreign country to which he’d fled so long ago?
A little background: in 1986, three Palestinians killed a yeshiva student. They were caught and tried. They saved the State of Israel a great deal of legal effort and funds by confessing to the crime and not putting up a defense. They were sentenced to life in prison (Hebrew), where two of them remained until they were freed in the Shalit prisoner exchange. But the third, Omar Zaid, escaped after four years in prison while hospitalized during a hunger strike. He eventually made his way abroad to Bulgaria. There he met a Bulgarian woman, settled down, had a family including three children, and tried to live as normal a life as possible.
But last year, Israel filed an extradition warrant for his arrest. In response, he abandoned his family and escaped once again to the Palestinian embassy in Belgrade, where he was given refuge. To any normal country adhering to the rule of law, a foreign embassy is sovereign territory not to be violated. That’s how Julian Assange escaped to the Ecuadorean embassy in London. You don’t see MI5 sneaking into the embassy to liquidate him. If it did, there would be a massive uproar. Intelligence chiefs would be fired. Prime ministers would resign.
In Israel, they give you a medal and make you Mossad chief. Because Israel isn’t a normal country. It thumbs its nose at international law. Law exists only when it’s convenient to Israeli interests. When it’s not, it doesn’t. So, according to numerous Israeli sources, the Mossad, in an act of retribution, has assassinated Zaid.
Mossad Did It
How do we know Israel did it? Because Israeli TV Channel 1’s military correspondent opened his report by saying: “Justice was done, even if very late.” Bibiton (Israel HaYom) called it “a mysterious assassination” (not “murder”) in its lead headline. Maariv says “the account was closed after 30 years.”
Kol Yisrael, Israeli State radio, quoted an intelligence source who made this contradictory statement:
Israel isn’t responding to the
Palestinian claim that the Mossad killed the wanted man from the Popular
Front who gained refuge in the Palestinian embassy in Sofia…However, a
security source told Kol Yisrael has no interest in targeting an old
terrorist especially if it involves a great outlay of resources or endangering [agents]. He also noted that the first impression was that the killing wasn’t even very professionally executed.
Reading between the lines, I understand from this that murdering Zaid
wasn’t an especially difficult task. So Israel did it. There were
signs of violence on his corpse. His upper body had been beaten and he
was thrown from an embassy window and landed on the ground below. A
Palestinian human rights group said there were signs he was attacked
with a “sharp object.”
?האם אסף יריב (בכיר שב”כ ש”הושאל” למוסד) קשור להתנקשות במבוקש הפלסטיני בסופיה
A confidential security source refused to comment to me on the case, other than to say half-jokingly that I should consult Assaf Yariv.
To explain the joke, you must know that Yariv was the other candidate
recently vying for the job of Shabak chief, which went to Nadav Argaman.
The Israeli media is not permitted to publish the names of Shabak
officials (except the chief), so it has called him “Y.” But I’ve named
him here. Israeli media reported that Yariv was “on loan” from Shabak
to the Mossad. In other words, my source was saying in a round-about
way, that Yariv was the Shabak agent who would know the case files on
wanted Palestinian fugitives like Zaid. He could use all the knowledge
and information Shabak could bring to bear to help the Mossad find and
kill Zaid. Which is precisely what happened.Bulgarian Collusion in the Hit
There is more irony to note here. Bulgaria’s prime minister was visiting Israel until a few hours before the hit. It happened only five hours after his plane left Ben Gurion according to this tweet (see display) from a Haaretz journalist whose rather unusual hobby is tracking international air traffic:
This is a pattern familiar to those who follow Mossad operations. When Israel wants to kill or capture someone abroad they go as high up the food chain as they can. They buy off the political echelon and especially the security services. This happened in the case of Dirar Abusisi, when high-level Ukrainian security officials colluded with Mossad agents inside the country to kidnap him and spirit him out of the country to face bogus charges in Israel. The reward? Ukraine’s prime minister won premium concessions from Israel in international trade and tourism talks which followed shortly afterward.
Similarly, you will find in the coming months that Israel and Bulgaria have negotiated trade, tourism or arms deals of great benefit to Bulgaria. Mark my words.
Like Ukraine, Bulgaria is a deeply corrupt country in which every politician and security official has a price. For an assassin to gain access to the Palestinian embassy would be relatively easy in that case. It’s even possible that someone inside the embassy was paid off to offer such access.
But when a stronger country exploits the corruption of a weaker one it is the stronger country that carries the greater burden of guilt. Make no mistake: Israel too is a corrupt country. Not just for buying off foreign leaders to execute their plots, but for ignoring diplomatic protocol and international law.
Ynet indicates that Zaid’s case was discussed with the Bulgarian leader during his talks with Netanyahu. The Bulgarian allegedly told Bibi that he must respect the law:
Borisov…said Nayef’s [Zaid] extradition had been brought up in meetings by both the Palestinian and Israeli authorities.
“I told both sides that Bulgaria respects
the rule of law and will follow the legal procedures in the case,” he
told reporters in parliament on Friday.
Presumably, this meant to Bibi that he could not force Zaid to leave.
This refusal apparently gave the green light to the assassination.To what purpose was Zaid killed, I ask again? Was he a mastermind of terror? Was he even as important as another Palestinian assassinated by the Mossad, Mahmoud al Mabouh? No, this guy was a nebech. A nobody. Yes, he murdered an Israeli. But hundreds of Palestinian prisoners who murdered Israelis have been freed in prisoner exchanges (including his two co-conspirators). Israel wanted this man because he was the one who got away. He escaped justice by fleeing. So he needed to be taught a lesson.
So what? What good is the lesson? How does it help anything or anyone? It puts a feather in the cap of a few Kidon agents who offed him. It gives Bibi & Bogie something to share a schnapps over in celebration. It gives Israeli leaders a few sound bytes and Cheshire grins which they break out when reporters challenge them to take responsibility for the crime.
What heroes those Mossad assassins are! They killed an unarmed man, then threw his body into the street. A heroic deed which does the nation proud!
In the scheme of things what does it really do? Nothing. It’s an empty gesture. It wins the Likud a few votes in the next election because killing Palestinians is good business for Israeli politicians. Killing one is good. Killing 2,300 as the IDF did two summers ago is even better. As long as Israel keeps killing Palestinians the Likud will win elections. Perhaps forever, or until the Messiah comes. Or maybe until a general or prime minister is dragged into the dock at the Hague.
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