Bradley Burston :Lezioni di pace degli ebrei di destra della Florida : Bibi è un traditore

Netanyahu speaks at a Rabin memorial session.
Netanyahu speaks at a Knesset memorial session for Rabin in 2009. Photo by Tomer Appelbaum
Sintesi personale
Bob Kunst di Miami Beach è furioso contro  Israele per i negoziati in corso
E'  presidente di una dura  organizzazione con sede a Miami chiamata Shalom Internazional e  questa settimana sta organizzando manifestazioni contro i colloqui USA-Israele-Palestina . Kunst e il suo gruppo sono fortemente pro-insediamento. Così fortemente pro-insediamento che da quando sono  iniziati  i colloqui, non è più chiaro se si considerano ancora  pro-Israele. 
"Bibi è ancora peggio di Rabin  . Ha  venduto mezzo milione di coloni al  "nazismo islamico". Israele non può rinunciare a ciò che Dio ci ha dato : Gli  Israeliani non reagiscono a  questa politica che ricalca quella del 1938 e  che ha portato alla Shoah . Non hanno più idea per che cosa valga  la pena lottare e quelli che lo sanno  sono  stati isolati e trattati come estremisti. La  questione è molto chiara : Bibi giù."Sia  l'Israeliano che è  in me e  sia  l'americano che è  in me riconoscono che ci sia   molto da imparare da Bob Kunst.Egli sta dicendo  di relazionarci  seriamente dinanzi  questi colloqui di pace e  non liquidarli come fumo,farsa.Egli sta dicendo  di  aprire i nostri occhi e le nostre bocche per sapere quello che vogliamo vedere e dire .In particolare, egli ha un messaggio per gli ebrei del Nord America: hai   il diritto e la  responsabilità di  parlare di Israele e della pace .
E 'il tuo futuro, anche.
C'è stato un tempo in cui gli ebrei di destra  all'estero accusavano  quelli di sinistra, sostenendo che criticare il governo è per definizione anti-Israeliano.
Non più.
C'è stato un tempo in cui gli ebrei di destra  all'estero sostenenvano  che la critica da parte della  sinistra di Israele era antisionista   e antisemita nella peggiore delle ipotesi,
Non più
Sempre più nordamericani ebrei  riconoscono l'importanza di sostenere un Israele dove l' ordine del giorno sia  legata a una ricerca sincera della pace e  a un impegno onesto per i diritti umani.
L'israeliano in me saluta.

Go for it. Work for it. It's your future, too. 

Lessons on peace & U.S. Jews, from Florida rightist who urges Israelis to 'Bring down traitor Bibi'

Bob Kunst of Miami Beach is mad as hell at Israel. He's not going to take it anymore.
"Dear Chosen Activists," began the e-mail I received from him at the weekend. The subject of the mass mailing was the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, but it was the tack taken by the subject line that I found particularly arresting:
Bob Kunst is president of a Miami-based, hard right organization called Shalom International, which this week is organizing demonstrations against the U.S.-brokered talks. Kunst and his group are strongly pro-settlement. So strongly pro-settlement that since the talks began, it is no longer clear that they still consider themselves pro-Israel.
"Bibi is even worse than Rabin," Kunst wrote, warning that in selling out half a million settlers, Israel's prime minister had given the "Islamic Nazis" who call themselves Palestinians "their greatest victory yet."
"Israel can't give up what G-d gave us and millions of Jews were murdered for," he continues. "Will the Jews ever learn?"
Then Kunst, in admitted desperation, turns to Israelis as a whole: "The lack of response from Israelis to all of this is mindboggling, and repeating 1938 politics that led to the Holocaust."
"Israelis are so busy making shekels, they have no clue what is worth fighting for, and those that do have been isolated and treated as extremist."
"If the Israelis have an ounce of integrity left in them, the issue is very clear. Speak out now or lose it all. Bring Bibi down."
Both the Israeli in me and the American in me recognize that I have much to learn from Bob Kunst.
He is telling both of us to relate seriously to these peace talks. Not to dismiss them as smoke, mirrors and gossamer sham.
He is telling both of us to open our eyes and our mouths, to know what we want to see and speak up for it.
Specifically, he has a message for North American Jews: You have every right - and, if you feel it, every responsibility – to speak out for the Israel and for the peace you want to see.
It's your future, too.
There was a time abroad when Jews on the right would routinely try to shut the traps of Jews on the left, by arguing that criticizing the government was by definition anti-Israel.
No more.
There was a time abroad when Jews on the right would argue that leftist criticism of Israel was anti-Zionist at best and anti-Semitic at worst, because the fates and lives of the leftists would not be affected by policies such as peace or its opposite.
No more.
The American in me salutes Bob Kunst, Floridian, for speaking out in favor of the Israel he wants to see.
I don't agree with a single word he says. But he should put it out there, every word.
This is what I've seen of my people in the Old Country: As more and more North American Jews become involved with Israel through Birthright and other programs, more and more members of the North American Jewish community recognize the importance of supporting an Israel whose agenda is bound up with an honest search for peace, and an honest commitment to human rights.
The Israeli in me salutes you.
Go for it. Work for it. It's your future, too. 


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