Netanyahu vuole trasformare il fallimento dell'intelligence israeliana in Bulgaria in un pretesto per colpire l'Iran

1 Netanyahu wants to turn the Israeli intelligence failure over Bulgaria into an excuse to strike Iran
Netanyahu wants to turn the Israeli intelligence failure over Bulgaria into an excuse to strike Iran

di Amir Oren

The attack in Burgas is a failure for Israeli intelligence. This is not an accusation, but a fact of life that is part of the difficult reality of constantly fighting terrorism and the nations and organizations that support it.  That there are successes and failures are the nature of such a struggle; though there are more gains, the few failures come at a price.

Had the Israeli intelligence – aided by local services - not failed in exposing and foiling the plot, the Counter Terrorism Bureau (which is part of the prime minister’s office) would have issued a travel warning under the name “Bulgaria,” to be disseminated worldwide.

Barring such a warning, and with no heightened security in Burgas, it is safe to assume that those who planned and executed the attack managed to conceal their activities – intelligence gathering ahead of the operation, training a suicide bomber or an operative to plant the explosives, and smuggling weapons.

Israel is not alone in these kinds of failures. The intelligence and security apparatus surrounding Bashar Assad – who knows he’s being targeted – has been breached (even if it only his aides who have been hurt.) A suspicious, professional and counter-intelligence savvy man such as Deputy Defense Minister Assef Shawkat, who was snared precisely the same way Syrians managed to assassinate Bashir Gemayel thirty years ago.

If the core of Assad’s struggling regime is breached – by one of it own loyalists – one can’t blame Israel for detecting a breach in its security net – what proved to be a lethal hole - in a foreign country.

And yet Benjamin Netanyahu, for his own reasons, is trying to turn the failure into an accomplishment. Two hours after the attack, he was saying that “all signs lead to Iran.”

Naturally, this is a well-founded suspicion; but from a prime minister – as opposed to a commentator – one expects a little more proof. And until he has proof, Netanyahu is talking about a worldwide pattern “in recent months” and the 18th anniversary of attack on Jewish community in Buenos Aires (which did not justify, in his eyes, a heightened alert concerning terror attacks). The conclusion: “This is an Iranian terror attack.” The aspiration that follows: “Israel will react forcefully to Iranian terror.”

Even if Netanyahu’s wish comes true, and evidence to Iran’s responsibility is found, it would not justify moving beyond the shadow war of what appears to be mutual terror attacks and onto a big war, the one that according to Ehud Barak would only take the lives of 500 Israelis – all in all, Burgas times 70.

Netanyahu and Barak are eager to deploy IDF forces on an attack mission targeting nuclear facilities in Iran. They lack a convincing excuse, since the Iranians have not yet decided whether to manufacture nuclear weapons, and U.S. President Barack Obama is busy with other things until November – issues that could only be sidetracked by the sounds of explosions in the Persian Gulf.

Mitt Romney, who Netanyahu’s benefactor Sheldon Edelson wishes to usher into the White House, looks like he’s going to lose. An Israeli-Iranian war, one that would pose significant economic threats – is the last hope harbored by Obama’s rivals.

Kadima party leader Shaul Mofaz and his contingent, recently exiled from the coalition, are itching to redeem themselves after being exposed as vulnerbale, by scratching away at Netanyahu’s and Barak’s steadfast political support.

The impending Knesset recess, however, leading up to the elections which will take place in early 2013, is likely to instill Barak and Netanyahu with renewed strength.

There will be much temptation to create a serious of incitements and counters, and during the third phase, after an Iranian retaliation for an Israeli retaliation, the jets will take off for the east.

If it happens quickly, Netanyahu and Barak will be spared having to deal with two bothersome events set for August, the second evacuation of some thirty people from Migron, and the first IDF call up for ultra-Orthodox conscripts.

Heightened American activities near the Persian Gulf, and military policy, like sending National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon and General James Mattis of “USCENTCOM” or central command, for talks with senior officials in Saudi Arabia and other nations in the region, show that Obama is not subscribing to the doctrine of keeping quiet until the elections.

Talks that took place on Wednesday night between Barak and his American counterpart Leon Panetta, who is scheduled to visit Israel and the Middle East, did not necessarily calm the government.

Further talks are expected between Obama himself, or one of his agents, Vice President Joe Biden, or Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and Netanyahu.

Officially, talks of condolences over Burgas. In reality, a warning about Iran.

As in Lebanon in 1982, Iran is a war looking for an excuse. The “Belli” is ready; It only needs the “Causus.” Netanyahu and Barak must not be allowed to find them in Burgas.

IN ITALIANO : sintesi di alcuni elementi
"Benjamin Netanyahu, per motivi suoi sta cercando di trasformare il fallimento dei servizi segreti iraniani in un risultato. Due ore dopo l'attacco, dichiara che "tutti i segni portano all'Iran".
Naturalmente questo è un sospetto fondato, ma da un primo ministro - al contrario di un commentatore - ci si aspetta qualche prova in' più. " è il 18 ° anniversario dell'attentato alla comunità ebraica di Buenos Aires (che non giustifica, ai suoi occhi, un' allerta riguardante attacchi terroristici). La conclusione: "Questo è un attacco terroristico iraniano." L'aspirazione che segue: ". Israele reagirà con forza al terrore iraniano"
Anche se il desiderio di Netanyahu si avverasse e le prove per la responsabilità dell'Iran venissero trovate , questo non giustificherebbe l'inizio di una grande guerra
Netanyahu e Barak sono desiderosi di attaccare gli impianti nucleari in Iran. Essi mancano di una scusa convincente dal momento che gli iraniani non hanno ancora deciso per la fabbricazione di armi nucleari e il presidente Usa Barack Obama è occupato con altre cose fino a novembre .
Mitt Romney, sostenitore di Netanyahu ,sembra che stia per perdere. Una guerra israelo-iraniana avrebbe ripercussioni economiche : questa è l'ultima speranza nutrita dagli avversari di Obama.
Il leader del partito Kadima, Shaul Mofaz, ha tolto il sostegno politico a Netanyahu e a Barak e le prossime elezioni,nel 2013, potrebbero spingere l'accelleratore: dopo
una rappresaglia iraniana per una rappresaglia israeliana, gli aerei decollerebbero. Se questo avviene Netanyahu e Barak eviterebbero di affrontare due eventi fastidiosi previsti per agosto : l'evacuazione di Migron e il servizio di leva per gli ultra-ortodossi coscritti.
L'accresciuta attività americane vicino al Golfo Persico mostra che Obama non sta sottoscrivendo la dottrina del silenzio fino alle elezioni.
L'Iran è una guerra in cerca di una scusa. A Netanyahu e a Barak non deve essere consentito di trovarla a Burgas

2 Strage Burgas: Iran condanna l'attentato; non c'entriamo nulla
L'Iran condanna con forza "tutti gli atti di terrorismo". E' questa la reazione di Teheran alla strage compiuta nella citta' bulgare di Burgas contro una comitiva di turisti israeliani e alle affermazioni venute da Israele secondo cui dietro l'attentato suicida ci sarebbe la mano del regime iraniano. "La Repubblica islamica - ha detto un portavoce del ministero degli Esteri iraniano - e' la maggiore vittima del terrorismo e riteniamo che il terrorismo metta a repentaglio la vita degli innocenti e che rappresenti una pratica disumana che condanniamo con forza. La posizione dell'Iran e' quella di condannare tutti gli atti terroristici, in ogni parte del mondo". Sull'accaduto e' intervenuta anche l'ambasciata iraniana in Bulgaria. "Le dichiarazioni prive di fondamento diffuse dal regime sionista e le accuse all'Iran di aver partecipato all'attentato contro il pullman dei turisti israeliani a Burgas e' il consueto metodo, a scopo politico, dei sionisti, e un segno della loro debolezza". (AGI) .
Strage Burgas: Iran condanna l'attentato; non c'entriamo nulla


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