Amira Hass : continuano gli attacchi contro i palestinesi, ma la polizia arresta solo gli attivisti di sinistra


Graffiti in ebraico con la scritta :   "Morte  agli arabi" e "vendetta " sono stati dipinti  su un serbatoio d'acqua nella parte orientale del villaggio palestinese di Susya , a sud di Hebron, non lontano dall'insediamento  di Susya.
Sabato scorso   attivisti contro l' occupazione  dell'organizzazione  "Ta'ayush si sono recati al villaggio : hanno cancellato i graffiti razzisti con vernice nera e ne  hanno scritti altri  contro la violenza :  4 di loro sono stati arrestati dalla polizia e tenuti in carcere per 24 ore 

Il portavoce per la Giudea e la Samaria ,Dudi Asraf, ha dichiarato  che la polizia  non era a conoscenza die graffiti fino al 2 luglio e " all criminal offenses it knows of and for which proper complaints are filed.”

Ma Ta'ayush ha precisato  che le  denunce presentate  e documentate anche  con fotografie  non sono oggetto di indagine . La  scorsa settimana, la polizia della Giudea d della Samaria  ha  annunciato che, per mancanza di prove, è stata archiviata  la  denuncia presentata un anno fa dagli  attivisti di Ta'ayush nei confronti di due coloni per violazione di domicilio e danneggiamento di un auto appartenente ad un residente  di Susya. L'incidente era stato filmato  e i nomi dei presunti aggressori erano  noti.
Attivisti di Ta'ayush e Rabbini per i diritti umani hanno documentato    45 casi di violenza  nei confronti di palestinesi da parte dei coloni dall'inizio del 2012, proprio nella zona dell''  avamposto di Maon Farm  :  sradicamento di  alberi, lancio di sassi,  attacchi nei confronti di attivisti,  distruzione delle tubature dell'acqua e  di pozzi, graffiti razzisti.

On June 27, for example, settlers from Maon Farm, accompanied by soldiers, came to private land owned by the Rabe’i family and entered a water reservoir naked that is used for drinking and watering flocks.

In una lettera inviata  recentemente  alle autorità civili e militari della Samaria e dela Giudea l'avvocato   dei  Rabbini per i Diritti Umani, Maya Keren,  ha elencato  in modo dettagliato  i numerosi casi di  molestie  avvenuti solo  nell'ultimo mese. Ha messo in guardia contro l'escalation resa possibile  sia dalla non applicazione della legge(che comunque presenta carenze)  nei territori sia    dalla l'inazione verso l'attività criminale dei coloni."

Ulivi distrutti   Martedì scorso, a circa 10 alberi di ulivo sono stati distrutti durante la notte precedente   l'episodio dei graffiti :  questi  e altri episodi sono stati tutti denunciati alla polizia.
Amitai Amos  al giudice ,incaricato di  decidere   i termini del  rilascio dei quattro manifestanti arrestati ,  ha dimostrato di ritenere  le azioni dei manifestanti pericolosi come le scritte degli anti-sionisti  Haredi  che hanno imbrattato lo  Yad Vashem . "L'area è molto tesa. Gli attivisti di sinistra  vengono qui solo  per  smuovere le acque. Non si tratta di reati molto gravi, ma vi ricordo  il rinvio  a giudizio per  i responsabili dei graffiti diffamatori  di  Yad Vashem. Le circostanze e la situazione rivelano  pericolo ".
Tuttavia, Shaham  ha replicato: " Nessuno degli attivisti  ha agito violentemente. Anche tendo conto  della situazione esplosiva  è difficile trovare una giustificazione per l'arresto degli intervistati. ". Nonostante tale affermazione  i giovani  devono restare lontano dalla zona per  30 giorni
The judge accepted the police charge of property damage against the four; however, noting that the offense was not serious, he ordered the four banned from the area for 30 days.


Attacks on Palestinians continue, but police only arrest leftist activists 14Jul12 July 14, 2012

Graffiti in Hebrew reading “death to Arabs” and “revenge” were found Wednesday night painted on a water tank in the eastern part of the Palestinian village of Susya in the southern Hebron Hills, not far from the settlement of Susya.

Similar slogans had been painted 10 days earlier on crumbling limestone along the road.

On Saturday, activists from the anti-occupation group Ta’ayush protesting the demolition order the Civil Administration had issued against 52 tents and makeshift structures, as well as the authorities’ inaction over the graffiti, came to the site to protest.

A number of activists painted their own slogans, among them “no to violence” and “free Susya.” One activist daubed over one of the anti-Arab slogans with black paint. A large contingent of military police and soldiers that was on site when the protesters arrived arrested four of them and held them for more than 24 hours.
The spokesman for the Judea and Samaria police district, Chief Inspector Dudi Asraf, said the police were unaware of any graffiti until the July 2 incident, and that it deals with “all criminal offenses it knows of and for which proper complaints are filed.”
But Ta’ayush said that even when complaints filed are backed up by photographs, the police do not pursue the investigation. Ta’ayush said that last week, the Judea and Samaria police announced that for lack of evidence, it was closing a complaint filed a year ago by Ta’ayush activists against two settlers for trespassing and damaging a car belonging to a Susya resident. The incident was recorded on video and the names of the alleged attackers are known.
Susya is not the only place in the southern Hebron Hills where harassment of Palestinians is being documented.
Activists from Ta’ayush and Rabbis for Human Rights documented 45 cases of harassment of Palestinians by settlers from the beginning of 2012, just in the area of the Maon Farm outpost. The incidents documented included the uprooting of trees, stone-throwing, attacks on activists, destruction of water pipes and wells, and racist graffiti.
Skinny-dipping in drinking water
On June 27, for example, settlers from Maon Farm, accompanied by soldiers, came to private land owned by the Rabe’i family and entered a water reservoir naked that is used for drinking and watering flocks.
In a letter sent last Monday to GOC Central Command Nitzan Alon, to the commander of the Judea and Samaria police district Maj. Gen. Amos Yaakov, and to the military legal adviser in the West Bank, Col. Eli Bar-On, the attorney for Rabbis for Human Rights, Maya Keren, detailed six cases of harassment out of about 10 documented just in the past month. She warned against escalation that she said was made possible by “fundamental and serious flaws in law enforcement in the territories and inaction toward the criminal activity of settlers.”
Olive trees destroyed
On Tuesday, about 10 mature olive trees were destroyed during the previous night and graffiti was painted. These and other incidents were all reported to the police.
However, according to statements made by the police representative Amitai Amos at the hearing discussing the terms of release of the four protesters arrested on Saturday, the police believe the protesters’ actions are as dangerous as the Haredi anti-Zionist graffiti daubed at Yad Vashem last week.
This comparison emerged when Amos, requesting that the court order the four activists banned from the Hebron area for six months, told Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Judge Oded Shaham: “The area is very tense. The leftist activists that come there only stir things up. These are not very serious offenses, but I show you the indictment regarding the defamatory graffiti at Yad Vashem. The circumstances and the situation reveals danger.”
However, Shaham countered: “There is no complaint that any of the respondents acted violently. Even given the explosive situation in the area of the events, it is difficult to find justification for the respondents’ arrest.”
The judge accepted the police charge of property damage against the four; however, noting that the offense was not serious, he ordered the four banned from the area for 30 days



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