A Gaza non c'è crisi umanitaria, lo dice l'ONU. Basta intendersi sui termini..

  Gaza Youth Breaks Out (GYBO)
What do I want?
I want to be treated like a human being
I want to remove all the restrictions around me
I want to be able to think and say what I think out loud without being questioned
I want the power of peace and love to rule over hate and revulsion
I want to make a change
I want to end the occupation
I want to end the division
I want the ability to say no
I want liberty
I want to travel without getting arrested by the Egyptians
I want a good education and a good medical treatment
I want to end the humiliation and the violation of my/our human rights
I want, I want, I want, I want
My demands aren't over yet; is there anyone listening?

Gaza Youth Breaks Out (GYBO)


Frammenti vocali in MO:Israele e Palestina: Amira Hass : A Gaza ...
Amira Hass: le foto "fastidiose" su Gaza per dimostrare che c'è prosperità
Il Blocco di Gaza non è finalizzato alla sicurezza


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