Video : la collaborazione in Cisgiordania tra militari e servizi di sicurezza dei settler

esh Din ييش دين יש דין
Organizzazione Non Governativa (ONG) · Piace a 20.984 persone
Today, we published "The Lawless Zone" report, which deals with Civilian Security Coordinators in settlements (Ravshatzim) and the way in which they influence the IDF's conduct and serve the interests of the settlers in the West Bank.
What is a security coordinator? In most cases, the position is filled by a member of the settlement who holds quasi-military powers in several fields of law enforcement. It is hard to miss the structural conflict of interests that this position holds - the power originally granted to the security coordinator with the goal of encouraging law enforcement and security is often used in practice as an instrument for expanding the area of the settlement or outpost and for breaking the law. Not to mention the fact that the security coordinator receives his salary from the defense ministry and the weapon from the IDF.
Read "A Constant Conflict of Interest" to understand more about the problematic role of the security coordinator -->
Read the full report: The Lawless Zone -->

2  Giving arrest powers to settlers is another layer of Israel’s dereliction of its duty to protect the Palestinian residents of the West Bank, Yesh Din writes.

‘The Lawless Zone’ is a report by Yesh Din on the transfer of policing and security powers to the Civilian Security Coordinators (CSC) in Israel’s West Bank...

The IDF grants arrest and other powers to civilians in West Bank settlements and outposts but fails to ensure they are held accountable. In essence, the army has...


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