Richard Silverstein : scoperta l'identità del militare che ha ucciso il palestinese disarmato e del suo comandante

Sintesi personale

Ieri due giovani palestinesi hanno tentato di pugnalare un soldato dell'IDF  nel quartiere di Tel Rumeida   a Hebron. Il soldato è stato leggermente ferito e subito curato  I due palestinesi sono stati feriti , uno mortalmente. Entrambi giacevano a terra, senza muoversi. Entrambi erano disarmati. Il palestinesi  ferito, Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif, giaceva a terra vicino a un gruppo di coloni e soldati. Uno dei coloni ha detto ai soldati: "Questo stronzo    respira ancora."
Un soldato israeliano, un medico del reparto e che aveva curato il soldato ferito, ha chiesto il permesso al suo comandante di "finire" il palestinese ferito  A quanto pare il comandante ha approvato . Il soldato si è avvicinato e gli ha sparato. Questa pratica è spesso chiamata  'conferma  dell' uccisione  nell'  IDF. Ragazze palestinesi molto giovani, anche di  12 anni di età sono stati nutralizzati  in questo modo  La scorsa settimana, Bassam Massalha, dopo il ferimento , è stato eseguito come mostra il video Nel 2002, il comandante della polizia, Mickey Levy, ordinò a uno  dei suoi ufficiali  di finire un palestinese  che era stato catturato e disarmato prima che potesse far esplodere il suo giubbotto  Mickey Levy è ora vice ministro e membro chiave del partito Atid Yesh del centro-destra
Molti palestinesi sono stati  analogamente uccisi dalle forze di sicurezza israeliane, ma quanto è accaduto a Hebron è stato ripreso da una telecamera in pieno giorno 
L'  attivista palestinese  ha  dato il video  a  B'Tselem, che successivamente lo ha fatto circolare  dopo averlo mostrato alla censura militare. (Se qualcuno ha accesso alla versione non censurata, si prega di mettersi in contatto.) E 'stato riportato dai media di tutto il mondo.
L'operatore video, Imad Abu Shamsiyah, si è nascosto . I coloni hanno  circondato la sua casa, lanciato sassi e gridato : "Morte a Imad ." Né soldati israeliani né polizia sono intervenuti 
L'IDF ha arrestato  il soldato. Il tenente colonnello Peter Lerner ha confermato che il soldato  ha ucciso il palestinese  e che il suo comandante a quanto pare ha approvato l'uccisione. Tuttavia non risulta che il comandante stesso  sia stato arrestato .
Un  forum  di estrema destra israeliana, Rotter, lo ha identificato . Egli è El-Or Azarya , residente a  Ramleh, vicino a Tel Aviv.
 Egli è un devoto seguace della squadra di calcio Beitar Jerusalem.  i cui fan sono i  più accaniti razzisti  È altamente improbabile che giustizia sarà fatta in questo incidente. Normalmente  l''IDF sostiene di indagare su questi incidenti, , trova prove sufficienti per perseguire  e chiude il caso.
EL su Azarya Beitar Jerusalem

Una cosa del genere sta per accadere  ad  un soldato nero ebreo IDF, Toveet Radcliffe , non si sa  se si sia suicidata o  sia stato uccisa  in una base dell'aeronautica israeliana, due anni fa. Il 27 marzo, la comunità nera ebraica di Dimona si aspetta che l'IDF  chiuda  il caso senza una seria indagine  Di conseguenza  sospetta che sia un omicidio e non sarà possibile ottenere giustizia.  Per firmare una petizione  e chiedere  al  Pres. Obama di intervenire ,potete  visitare il sito .
David Shapira IDF
Abbiamo identificato  i comandanti di Azarya  : il tenente colonnello David Shapira del Shimshon Battaglione e il colonnello Yariv Ben Ezra della Divisione Yehuda. Shapira sembra essere l'ufficiale che ha approvato l'omicidio.
Nel 2008 Shapira ha ucciso un terrorista ferito che aveva attaccato la Yeshiva Rav Kook. Aveva sentito gli spari dalla sua casa a Gerusalemme e si è precipitato  fuori con la sua arma da fuoco personale. Ha ignorato la proibizione della polizia di non  entrare nel luogo del delitto. Uno studente yeshiva armato  aveva già  sparato all'attaccante due volte alla testa. I  media dicono che  Shapira  aveva incontrato il killer ferito sul posto "confermando che era morto." Shapira è stato proclamato un eroe.
Il tiratore ha detto agli investigatori che ha sparato a-Sharif perché era "in movimento", e aveva paura che avrebbe fatto  esplodere un giubbotto esplosivo . La vittima  si vede  chiaramente  nel video  non ha il  giubbotto . Né Shapira sembra percepire il pericolo mentre si trova vicino al ferito  e parla al telefono.
Nessuno pensi   che questo  sia una aberrazione isolata . I palestinesi vengono eseguiti nello stesso modo praticamente ogni giorno,nè sono queste esecuzioni sommarie un prodotto della politica israeliana  recente . Tali omicidi iniziano nel  2002  Gli assassini sono ricompensati per la loro insensibilità come Levy  membro rispettato della Knesset.
Alcune delle uccisioni sono videoregistrato ,altre no  Quelli che non sono videoregistrate sfuggono  all'attenzione del mondo, fatta eccezione per la comunità palestinese. Quelli che sono videoregistrato suscitano  qualche attenzione in Israele e nessuna attenzione al di fuori. Le vite  degli uccisi  non valgono molto sia per i media mondiali  sia per gli israeliani. 
Sto pubblicando tanto su questo caso   al fine di evidenziare non solo questo singolo omicidio, ma tutta la violenza illegale condotta dalle forze di sicurezza israeliane contro i palestinesi.
Ringrazio i molti israeliani che hanno contribuito  alla ricerca e alla  preparazione  di questo post. Purtroppo, a causa della situazione politica di Israele, non possono essere ringraziati per nome.

 BREAKING: Identities of IDF Soldier Who Executed Unarmed Palestinian–and His Commanding Officer–Exposed

Yesterday two Palestinian youths attempted to stab an IDF soldier (this account is in Hebrew with some English added) in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron. The soldier was lightly wounded and treated at the scene. The two Palestinians were each wounded, one mortally.  They both lay on the ground, without moving. Both were unarmed. The Palestinian who’d been wounded, Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif, lay on the ground near a group of settlers and soldiers.  One of the settlers said to the soldiers: “This asshole here is still breathing.”
el on azarya executes palestinian

Still image of the moment of execution which show the murderer in the middle of the picture. He stands just behind his commanding officer (speaking on the phone). A bystander to the left covers his ears as the killer shoots at the wounded Palestinian, in the lower left of the picture.
An IDF soldier who was a medic in the unit and who had treated the wounded soldier, asked permission from his commanding officer to “finish off” the wounded Palestinian. Apparently the commander approved. The soldier walked to within six feet of the wounded Palestinian cocked his rifle and shot him. This practice is often called ‘confirming the kill’ in the IDF.  Palestinian girls as young as 12 years-old have been executed in this fashion before.  Last week, Bassam Massalha, after being wounded, was executed as video filmed his murder.  In one of the earliest of such incidents in Jerusalem in 2002, the police commander, Mickey Levy, ordered one of his officers to execute a Palestinian, who had been captured and disarmed before he could detonate his suicide vest.
Images of the execution of Mahmoud Saleh, ordered by the amnesiac, Mickey Levy. You can see that when Salah is murdered he has no suicide vest. He is naked except for his underwear. There is no bomb. The next picture shows his dead body.
Images of the execution of Mahmoud Saleh, ordered by the amnesiac, Mickey Levy. You can see that when Salah is murdered he has no suicide vest. He is naked except for his underwear. There is no bomb. The next picture shows his dead body.
Mickey Levy is now a deputy minister and key member of the center-right Yesh Atid party.  An Israeli security institute hosted a screening of the film, Wounded Land, about a meeting between a suicide bomber and the families of his victims at the hospital where both were brought after the attack. Levy appears to have forgotten his sordid past when he told the film audience this entirely mendacious version of the Jerusalem attack in which ordered a summary execution:
“Every time I hear that a terrorist has been “neutralized” I laugh.  Because you can neutralize the danger, but never the terrorist.  When there is intent to injure and the danger is imminent, you certainly may shoot to kill.  But once the danger is past, the situation changes.”
Levy then raises this same 2002 incident.  But he makes dramatic changes in the actual story which flatter him and deface the truth.  He says that when he arrived on the scene there was a terrorist who had a suicide vest still strapped to his body with the button to activate it visible.  But he was in handcuffs and on his knees and a soldier stood over his body.  No suicide bomber would ever be in handcuffs while still strapped to his vest.  The Palestinian attempted to roll onto his belly in order to activate the bomb.  Levy supposedly then asked the sapper whether he could disable the bomb.  His officer told him he couldn’t because the terrorist was moving.  He then ordered another soldier to kill the terrorist with two bullets to the head.
These pictures of the same incident should refresh Levy and expose the lies he told his all to gullible audience.  They show the alleged attacker arrested with no suicide vest in sight.  There are policemen milling about and no one appears threatened by the possibility of a bomb exploding.
Many Palestinians are similarly executed by Israeli security forces, but few in as blatant a situation is these in broad daylight and on camera.
Back in Hebron, when the shooter returned to his commanding officer, he went through the formal rituals of confirming the use of his weapon and that was the end of it, they expected.  Instead, a Palestinian activist had videotaped the entire incident. He gave the video to the Israeli human rights NGO, B’Tselem, which subsequently circulated the video far and wide, after submitting it to the military censor.  (If anyone has access to the uncensored version, please be in touch.)  It’s been reported by media outlets around the world, including the BBC and many others.
The videographer, Imad Abu Shamsiyah, is in hiding.  Settlers surrounded his home, stoned it, and shouted: “Death to Imad.”  Neither Israeli soldiers nor police intervened.
azarya shapira at hebron execution
In this image, the murderer is treating the lightly wounded Israeli soldier. The killer’s name, Azarya, is written on his gunstrap. His commander, Lt. Col. David Shapira, stands next to him in a black helmet.
The IDF, as a result of the bad publicity, arrested the soldier. Lt Col Peter Lerner confirmed that the soldier killed the Palestinian, and that his commanding officer apparently approved the killing. However, there is no word that the commanding officer himself has been arrested or detained.
Yesterday, I spent a great deal of time posting to Facebook and Twitter asking Israelis if they could help me identify the killer. Luckily, the Israeli far-right gossip forum, Rotter, has identified him along with pictures. He is El-Or Azarya, a resident of the poor Israeli town of Ramleh, near Tel Aviv.
el on azarya facebook page
Images from Azarya’s Facebook page. On the upper right is a unit certificate of merit for being the unit’s top soldier
Other activists in Israel have helped further identifying him, finding Facebook accounts and photographs which document him before the execution. He is a devoted follower of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club.  The most hardcore racist Beitar fans have formed a gangland-style fan club called La Famigilia.
Among the pages he’s Liked on Facebook are the far-right Kahanist, Baruch Marzel; the racist rapper, The Shadow, who advocated burning Palestinians alive on his Facebook page; the La Famiglia page; Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked; and Avigdor Lieberman.
It is highly unlikely that justice will be done in this incident. Normally, the IDF claims to investigate such incidents, does so, finds insufficient evidence to prosecute, and closes the case.
el on azarya beitar jerusalem
Azarya holding high Beitar Jerusalem fan scarf
Such a thing is about to happen in the case of a Black Hebrew IDF soldier, Toveet Radcliffe, who either committed suicide or was murdered at an Israeli Air Force base, two years ago. On March 27th, the Black Hebrew community in Dimona expects the IDF will close the case without either investigating it fully or charging anyone. As a result the community which suspect that she was murdered by someone unknown, will not get Justice. This is the way things go in the Israeli National Security State.  To sign a petition asking Pres. Obama to intervene in this case, visit
david shapira idf
Lt. Col. David Shapira, commander of the Shimshon Battalion
We have identified Azarya’s commanding officers.  They are  Lt. Col. David Shapira of the Shimshon Battalion and his boss, Col. Yariv Ben Ezra of the Yehuda Division.  Shapira appears to be the officer who approved the murder.
I’ve compared the picture above which shows Azarya’s commander standing next to the shooter.  Compare him in that picture to the one of Lt. Col. David Shapira, and I believe they are the same man.
Shapira himself has executed Palestinians.  In 2008, Shapira murdered a wounded terrorist who’d attacked the Rav Kook Yeshiva. He’d heard the shooting from his Jerusalem home and rushed to the building with his personal firearm.  He ignored orders by the police, who told him not to enter.  An armed yeshiva student had already shot the attacker twice in the head.  The media accounts say Shapira encountered the wounded gunman on the premises and “confirmed that he was dead.”  That sounds an awful lot like “confirming the kill” to me.  Shapira was proclaimed a hero.
Shapira lives in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof.  Ironically, it used to have a Palestinian name: Deir Yassin.
Yesterday, Azarya showed that he learned the lessons well that Shapira taught him.  In fact, I can imagine Shapira rewarding Azaryah with an opportunity to make his first “kill” after a-Sharif was wounded on the ground.
The shooter later told investigators that he shot a-Sharif because he was “moving,” and was afraid he would detonate a suicide vest.  The victim is seen clearly on the video and he has no suicide vest.  Nor does his Shapira seem to sense danger as he stands near the wounded man speaking on the telephone.
Let no one think of this is a one-off aberration. Palestinians are executed in the same fashion virtually every day. Nor are these summary executions a product of Israeli policy over the past few months alone.  Such murders go all the way back to the 2002 incident I described above.  The murderers are rewarded for their callousness as Levy has been, by being a respected member of the Knesset.
Some of the killings are videotaped and some aren’t. The ones that are not videotaped escape the world’s notice, except in the Palestinian community. The ones that are videotaped elicit a small measure of attention in Israel and no attention outside. The lives that are so snuffed out aren’t worth much either to the world media or to Israelis. But once in a while, if circumstances are right, when there’s a videotape that captures all the bloody action in broad daylight, then the world takes notice.
I am publishing as much about this case as I can in order to expose not just this single murder, but all of the brutal illegal violence perpetrated by Israeli Security Forces against Palestinians.
Thanks to the many Israelis who contributed in ways both large and small to the research and preparation for this blog post.  Unfortunately, due to Israel’s political situation, they cannot be thanked by name.
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Il soldato accusato di avere ucciso l'attntatore palestinese  apparteneva ai movimenti piu' estremisti della destra nazionalista israeliana.
Nella sua pagina facebook: "Sono un sostenitore di Meir Kahane e delle sue idee. Lui aveva ragione".
E' diventato l'eroe della destra clerico-nazionalista che attacca il Ministro della Difesa di Israele e il Capo di Stato Maggiore accusandoli di complicita' con il nemico. I rabbini dei coloni sottolineano che l'azione del soldato rispetta la Torah

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