Yossi Sarid Feiglin and Hitler

1Haaretz, 10/12/2008 This paper published an interview with Feiglin from 1995, conducted by Ada Oshpiz. "When he reads about Hitler, it is with astonishment," the reporter wrote. Leggi tutto...

The Likud campaign of Moshe Feiglin, with its more careful rhetoric, but its background strains of transfer and Islam-is-inferior, and retake-the-Temple Mount, suggests the desperation in the bravado of the extreme right. It suggests that the far-right phiolosophy is so isolated that, like a virus, it can only truly grow and reproduce by infecting and thus commandeering a vastly larger host.The kids somehow sense it too. There is desperation in their actions, the isolation and the sense that a tide may be turning against them.In Hebron, after all, no one needs a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.

4 leader del partito fiammingo di estrema destra Vlaams Belang ha riferito che MK Aryeh Eldad lo ha invitato ad un anti-Jihad conferenza a Gerusalemme il prossimo anno, anche se Eldad nega questo.


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