Odeh Bisharat Opinion Defeated, Humiliated, Pleading

“Peace is made only with defeated enemies.” That was the message of giant billboards that were hung around Tel Aviv last week. The ads showed images of two leaders of the Palestinian people, Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud Abbas, kneeling and blindfolded. One had his hands raised in a gesture of surrender, while the other waved a white flag. In the background was a scene of complete destruction, with fighter jets – presumably Israeli – flying above it.
This is shocking. It’s enough to keep people awake at night – both those on the losing side and normal people on the winning one. But it’s the practical expression of the slogan that has been popular here for generations: The Arabs only understand the language of force.Yes, that’s the essence of Israel’s policy of force against the Palestinians – forcing them to hold a white flag and kneel, with eyes blindfolded. And if the hands aren’t tied, then they are raised in surrender.
During both the first and second intifadas, at checkpoints and even outside Palestinian homes after the routine nighttime raids, it was common to see handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinians, sometimes with their faces against a fence. Even though this sight was so common, it didn’t rouse any anger, or even any second thoughts like, “Guys, they’re still human beings.”
It’s hard for me to forget the arrest by the Israel Defense Forces of Ahmed Sa’adat, the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, along with other Palestinians jailed in the Palestinian Authority’s prison in Jericho. They were led out in their underwear, in full view of the television cameras and media photographers who had been invited in advance to commemorate this ceremony of humiliation.The essence of this humiliating treatment of Arabs goes back a long way. After the great Arab defeat in the war of June 1967, Moshe Dayan, the Jewish people’s greatest military leader, announced that he was waiting by the phone for Arab leaders to call and surrender.
And indeed, the main motto was not just to win, but to humiliate, and in general to break the spirit of the Arab nation, which had only just gotten back on its feet and experienced a revival after centuries of colonialism by the Ottomans, the English, the French, the Italians and even the Spanish.

LISTEN: The only way Bibi can stay out of jailHaaretz Weekly Ep. 62


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