Palestinesi e Israeliani uccisi dal 1987 al 2014

2  A chart of estimated deaths resulting from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the start of the First Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987) through July 7, 2014 appears below. Statistics from B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, are used because they are largely considered to have comprehensive and nonpartisan data. Deaths from international military operations between Israel and its neighbor countries are not included in this presentation.

The data are separated between the First Intifada and Second Intifada because they mark major events in the modern history of the conflict.

I. Beginning of First Intifada to Beginning of Second Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987 - Sep. 28, 2000)

Gaza Strip & West Bank
(incl. East Jerusalem)
Israel Totals
Gaza Strip & West Bank
(incl. East Jerusalem)
Israel Totals
By Israeli
Security Forces
1,376 33 1,409
Security Force
Personnel Killed
by Palestinians
91 59 150
By Israeli
115 27 142
Civilians Killed
by Palestinians
94 177 271
Totals 1,491 60 1,551
Totals 185 236 421
Source: B'Tselem, "Fatalities in the First Intifada," (accessed Jan. 31, 2013)

II. Beginning of Second Intifada to Present (Sep. 29, 2000 - July 7, 2014)

Gaza Strip & West Bank
(incl. East Jerusalem)
Israel Totals
Gaza Strip & West Bank
(incl. East Jerusalem)
Israel Totals
By Israeli
Security Forces
6,763 72 6,835
Security Force
Personnel Killed
by Palestinians
255 92 347
By Israeli
52 3 55
Civilians Killed
by Palestinians
260 484 744
Totals 6,815 75 6,890
Totals 515 576 1,091


B'Tselem, "Fatalities before Operation 'Cast Lead,'" (accessed Aug. 12, 2014)

B'Tselem, "Fatalities during Operation 'Cast Lead,'" (accessed Aug. 12, 2014)

B'Tselem, "Fatalities after Operation 'Cast Lead,'" (accessed Aug. 12, 2014)

III. Additional Mortality Reports
Issued By (date)
Date Range Covered
Palestinians Killed
Israelis Killed
1. Palestine Red Crescent Society
(Jan. 9, 2007)
Sep. 30, 2000
Nov. 30, 2008
5,181 not available
2. Palestine Monitor
(Jan. 9, 2007)
Sep. 28, 2000
May 13, 2005
3,670 not available
3. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
(Jan. 9, 2007)
Sep. 29, 2000
Jan. 31, 2005
2,828 not available
4. Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Jan. 9, 2007)
Sep. 29, 2000
May 1, 2006
not available 1,126
5. Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations
(June 13, 2006)
Sep. 30, 2000
June 13, 2006
3,914 not available
6. United Nations Commission on Human Rights
(Sep. 8, 2003)
Sep. 30, 2000
Sep. 8, 2003
2,755 830
7. United Nations Security Council
(Jan. 16, 2003)
Sep. 29, 2000
July 31, 2007
4,228 1,024


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